Dasakam: 26-- Shlokam: 09
हस्तीन्द्रं तं हस्तपद्मेन धृत्वा
चक्रेण त्वं नक्रवर्यं व्यदारी: ।
गन्धर्वेऽस्मिन् मुक्तशापे स हस्ती
त्वत्सारूप्यं प्राप्य देदीप्यते स्म ॥९॥

Thou with Thy lotus hands caught jolt of that elephant king and cut asunder the powerful crocodile with Thy discus. The crocodile was thus released from the curse of sage Devala and got back his Gandharva form. The elephant was, by Thee, then endowed with a brilliant form similar to Thy from.