Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 10

प्राप्ते सप्तमगर्भतामहिपतौ त्वत्प्रेरणान्मायया
नीते माधव रोहिणीं त्वमपि भो:सच्चित्सुखैकात्मक: ।
देवक्या जठरं विवेशिथ विभो संस्तूयमान: सुरै:
स त्वं कृष्ण विधूय रोगपटलीं भक्तिं परां देहि मे ॥१०॥

At the seventh pregnancy when the king of serpants, Aadishesha entered the womb of Devaki, by Thy prompting, the foetus was transferred to the womb of Rohini by Yoga Maaya. O Maadhava, Thou also who are Existence Conciousness and Bliss alone, entered in Devaki's womb, being well praised by the Devas. O Lord! That Thou O Krishna! May Thou of such glory,remove my numerous maladies and grant me supreme devotion.