Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 05

भूय: क्रमादभिविशन् भवदंघ्रिपूतं
वृन्दावनं हरविरिञ्चसुराभिवन्द्यम् ।
आनन्दमग्न इव लग्न इव प्रमोहे
किं किं दशान्तरमवाप न पङ्कजाक्ष ॥५॥

Thereafter, as he gradually entered Brindavan, sanctified by Thy lotus feet, and worshipped by even Siva, Brahma and other gods, he was, as it were, completely immersed in Bliss, or under a spell. O Lotus-eyed Lord ! What states of ecstasy did henot experience then !