Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 03

य्गिन्यतीव कुशला खलु चित्रलेखा
तस्याः सखी विलिखती तरुनानषेषान |
तत्रानिरुद्धमुषया विदितं निशायाम्
आनेष्ट योगबलतो भवतो निकेतात् || 3

Usha recognised Aniruddha from the pictures drawn by hercompanion, Chitralekha, (daughter of Kumbhanda) who is a Yogini and also very clever, and was a good artist besides. Due to her yogic powers Chitralekha,took away Anirudha from your home of Dwaraka and gave him to Usha her friend.