Atma Pradakshina Mantra:

The word ˜Pradakshinaâ has a typical meaning.
The letter 'Praâ' stands for removal of all kinds of sins; 'daâ' stands
for fulfilling the desires; 'kshiâ' stands for freedom from future
births; 'naâ' stands for giving deliverance through jnana.

The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina - Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi
Now let us see more about this Atma Pradakshina

We do this at the end of every pooja

यानि कानि च पापानि जन्मान्तरकृतानि च ।
तानि सर्वाणि नश्यन्ति प्रदक्षिणपदे पदे ॥
पदे पदे या परिपूजकेभ्यः सद्योऽश्वमेधादिफल ददाति ।
तां सर्वपापक्षयहेतुभूतां प्रदक्षिणां ते परितः करोमि ॥

Yaani Kaani Ca Paapaani Janmaantara-Krtaani Ca |
Taani Sarvaanni Nashyanti Pradakssinna-Pade Pade ||

Pade Pade Yaa Paripuujakebhyah Sadyo-[A]shvamedha-[A]adi-Phala Dadaati |
Taam Sarva-Paapa-Kssaya-Hetu-Bhuutaam Pradakssinnaam Te Paritah Karomi ||


(O Lord, Please accept this Pradakshina)
1: Whichever Sins have been committed in various Births, ...
2: ... All those gets destroyed with every Step of the Pradakshina (Circumambulation),
3: She who at every Step (of the Pradakshina performed) every day, offers worship (to the God), (that act) which gives the Fruits of Ashwamedha Yagya and others, ...
4: ... and becomes the cause of the destruction of all her Sins, ... I do the Pradakshina (Circumambulation) all around You (with the same attitude).

It is an offer of Atma Pradhikshina

Even in vedic period the saints felt that they were born in sinful nature.The prarthasnana mantra which is chanted before the gayathri mantra goes like this.

Papokam, papa karmaham, papatma, papa sambhava, thrahimam pundarikaksha, sarva papa hari hare.

This prayer is chanted before taking bath. By doing this the saints remembered that water cannot cleanse their sins. The meaning of this prayer is "I am born in sin, doer of sin, a sinful self. I am the worst sinner. Lord save me from all sins." (Sarva papa can be by Manasa = thinking; Vasa = words; Hastapyam = look, Drehimam = body).They asked God (did not know who that God is, but yet they said "Hari Hare") to forgive their sins.


Atma Pradhikshina
This mantra is for bringing in the most humble feeling in the bhakta and pray to God to get one rid of all the sins that might have accrued to him/her.
Are we doing Namaskaram to our own Atma within us?

The God which we have seen outwards is also inside us.

That is why after 3 pradikshnas we say Atma Pradikshina namaskaaran Samarpayaami (I offer Atma Pradikshina namaskarams)

Why do we do Atma Pradhikshina 3 times?

Normally in sanatana Dharma, it always runs on a word called TRIPUTI (Three times).

We say Aum Shanti, Shanti Shantihi 3 times

we have three Bodies

1 Stuula Shareera (Gross body we see)

2 Suukshama Shareera ( Subtle body which dreams and goes to places while we sleep and experience pleasure and pain although we are not conscious)

3. Kaarana Shareera (This body is born for a particular reason in a place)

Stuula shareera dies with physical death.
Sukshma shareera survives death and then travels to "find" another physical body.
Karana Shareera dies with liberation.

In Ramayana too it is said, that if we say a Word three times that becomes an OATH.

Similarly we have Satva, Rajas and Tamo Gunas.

Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra roopams.

In Sanatana Dharma Culture all we do three times.

So we make three Pradikshinams (Atma) three times

"In fact all the karmas are done by the Prakritis' three gunas. The being deluded under the influence of AhamkAr (attached to ego) assumes that the actions are done by him/her and therefore gets bound." ---- BG 3.27


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