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    Dear friends,
    Some healthy foods can make you gassy. Moderation in consumption and other techniques like chewing the food slowly in he mouth can reduce it to some extent.
    Let us know something about the foods that can cause flautulence.

    Healthy foods that can make you gassy

    Foods that can cause gas
    Gas, bloating and flatulence are a constant problem for many people. There could be a medical condition that may be the culprit but your diet is also to be blamed for the formation of gas. Most people know that beans, broccoli, and onions can cause gas, but what people are not aware of is that fruits and milk can also lead to gas formation. Fructose, a sugar found in fruits and lactose in dairy products are common causes of gas, bloating and abdominal cramps. Here are foods which can make you gassy and bloated.

    Fruits and vegetables

    High-fibre fruits like pineapples, grapes, berries, bananas and vegetables like beans, peas, cabbage and broccoli can cause a lot of gas. The soluble fibre in these foods do not breakdown easily unless they reach the large intestine which causes the gas. On the other hand, foods that do not contain soluble fibre pass through without causing discomfort or intestinal gas. Other fruits such as pears, peaches and apples contain the sugar sorbitol which leads to bloating and flatulence.

    Starchy food

    It can be difficult for our body to digest starchy foods such as wheat, cereals, potatoes and corns. Starchy foods which are very high in carbohydrates, can cause bloating when your digestive system goes through the process of breaking them down. However, you can safely consume rice as it does not seem to create any intestinal gas.

    Milk and dairy

    Milk cause the formation of gas in people who lack the enzyme lactase, an enzyme required for the digestion of lactose in milk. According to nutritionist Prema Kodical, cheese, ice cream, and milk all contain lactose and may cause excessive gas in people. Those with lactose intolerance may need to skip these foods to avoid intestinal gas and belly pain. If you cannot totally avoid milk, drinking less milk or consuming other food items with milk may also help prevent gas formation.

    Foods to reduce the formation of gas

    If you feel bloated and gassy regularly, you might want to stock up on foods that reduce its formation. Prema suggests consuming foods such as yellow squash, moong beans, kidney beans, alfalfa, barley, millet, beetroot and oatmeal. Carrots, parsley, celery, chicken, pumpkin, saunf, root vegetables, sweet potato, turnips and leafy greens can also regulate your digestive system.
    A weak spleen can also lead to gas and bloating. You can nourish the spleen with spices like black pepper, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon.

    Tips and guidelines by nutritionist Prema Kodical to avoid gas formation

    • To avoid gas formation, drink liquids at least 20 to 25 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. Never drink liquids along with your meal.
    • Eat dinner early as a long time span between food and bed will give your stomach enough time to digest the food properly.
    • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly as it can maximise digestion in your mouth and reduces the amount of gas that develops after meal.
    • Drink 1 tbsp aloe vera juice before your largest meal to stimulate digestion.
    • Don’t use too much salt as it hampers digestion and absorption of nutrients. You can instead use herb seasoning.
    • Eating smaller meals more frequently may be beneficial as it will be easier on the intestines.
    • Drink peppermint and fennel tea as these are an effective home remedy for gas and bloating. Add a few fennel seeds,(SAUNF-பெருஞ்சீரகம்) in a pot of hot water and boil it for five minutes. Strain and drink it.
    • Make it a point to consume probiotics like yoghurt daily to restore good bacteria in the gut.
    • Cut ginger pieces and have them before meals to prevent gas or nausea.
