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Read Ramayana sargam 28

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  • Read Ramayana sargam 28

    Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 28

    Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 28
    In the previous Sarga, Seetā pleaded with Rāma to take her along with him to Vana.
    In this Sarga, Rāma says that it would be rather more comfortable for her to stay back, and life in the Vana would be nothing but misery.
    Rāma, concerned with the wellbeing of his dear wife, could only think of the difficulties she would have to face, if she were to come to the Vana. He paints a miserable picture of the Vana as he sees it, which is in stark contrast with the rosy picture that Seetā imagines, of having good times with her husband, swimming in the ponds and lakes.
    Rāma makes it clear that the more he thinks of it, the more he is convinced that it is not a good idea for Seetā to come to the Vana.
    ஸ ஏவம் ப்ருவதீம் ஸீதாம் தர்மஜ்ஞோ தர்மவத்ஸல: ।
    ந நேதும் குருதே புத்திம் வநே து:காநி சிந்தயந் ॥
    sa ēvaṃ bruvatīṃ sītāṃ dharmajñō dharmavatsalaḥ ।
    na nētuṃ kurutē buddhiṃ vanē duḥkhāni cintayan ॥
    When she spoke thus, he who knew Dharma and loved Dharma
    thought of the hardships and perils of the forest life,
    and was not inclined to take her with him.
    ஸாந்த்வயித்வா புநஸ்தாம் து பாஷ்பதூஷிதலோசநாம் ।
    நிவர்தநார்தே தர்மாத்மா வாக்யமேததுவாச ஹ ॥
    sāntvayitvā punastāṃ tu bāṣpadūṣitalōcanām ।
    nivartanārthē dharmātmā vākyamētaduvāca ha ॥
    The Dharmātma consoled her
    whose eyes were turbid with tears,
    and said again the following words to dissuade her:
    ஸீதே மஹாகுலீநாऽஸி தர்மே ச நிரதா ஸதா ।
    இஹாऽசர ஸ்வதர்மம் த்வம் மே யதா மநஸஸ்ஸுகம் ॥
    sītē mahākulīnā'si dharmē ca niratā sadā ।
    ihā'cara svadharmaṃ tvaṃ mē yathā manasassukham ॥
    O Seetā! You come of a great noble family
    and you are always devoted to Dharma.
    By staying here, you will be comfortable
    with what you are used to.
    ஸீதே! யதா த்வாம் வக்ஷ்யாமி ததா கார்யம் த்வயாऽபலே ।
    வநே ஹி பஹவோ தோஷா வததஸ்தாந்நிபோத மே ॥
    sītē! yathā tvāṃ vakṣyāmi tathā kāryaṃ tvayā'balē ।
    vanē hi bahavō dōṣā vadatastānnibōdha mē ॥
    O delicate one! O Seetā! May you do as I say!
    For the Vana is beset with many perils,
    and let me tell you of them.
    ஸீதே! விமுச்யதாமேஷா வநவாஸக்ருதா மதி: ।
    பஹுதோஷம் ஹி காந்தாரம் வநமித்யபிதீயதே ॥
    sītē! vimucyatāmēṣā vanavāsakṛtā matiḥ ।
    bahudōṣaṃ hi kāntāraṃ vanamityabhidhīyatē ॥
    O Seetā! May you give up the idea of dwelling in the Vana!
    The Vana is said to be impassable and full of perils!
    ஹிதபுத்த்யா கலு வசோ மயைததபிதீயதே ।
    ஸதா ஸுகம் ந ஜாநாமி து:கமேவ ஸதா வநம் ॥
    hitabuddhyā khalu vacō mayaitadabhidhīyatē ।
    sadā sukhaṃ na jānāmi duḥkhamēva sadā vanam ॥
    I say this only with your wellbeing in mind.
    The Vana is never known to be a place of comfort,
    but only a place of trouble at all times.
    கிரிநிர்ஜரஸம்பூதா கிரிகந்தர வாஸிநாம் ।
    ஸிம்ஹாநாம் நிநதா து:காஸ்ஸ்ரோதும் து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    girinirjharasambhūtā girikandara vāsinām ।
    siṃhānāṃ ninadā duḥkhāṡṡrōtuṃ duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    The terrible din of mountain cataracts and
    the roar of lions in their mountain lairs
    make Vana a terrible place.
    Ṡlōkas 7 to 24 (except a couple) end either with duḥkhamatō vanam or with duḥkhataraṃ vanam giving a certain lyrical quality, which can be enjoyed while reading these Ṡlōkas aloud. However, I could not think of a good translation into English, that could preserve that lyrical quality. Hence I chose to translate the word दुःख differently, based on the context of the individual Ṡlōka, to bring, at least, some lyrical quality.

    க்ரீடமாநாஸ்ச விஸ்ரப்தா மத்தாஸ்ஸூந்யே மஹாம்ருகா: ।
    த்ருஷ்ட்வா ஸமபிவர்தந்தே ஸீதே து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    krīḍamānāṡca visrabdhā mattāṡṡūnyē mahāmṛgāḥ ।
    dṛṣṭvā samabhivartantē sītē duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    Great and lusty beasts that run riot in the Vana,
    far from the haunts of men, pounce upon human beings
    the moment they set eyes on them.
    O Seetā, that is why Vana is a dreadful place.
    ஸக்ராஹாஸ்ஸரிதஸ்சைவ பங்கவத்யஸ்ஸு துஸ்தரா: ।
    மத்தைரபி கஜைர்நித்யமதோ து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    sagrāhāssaritaṡcaiva paṅkavatyassu dustarāḥ ।
    mattairapi gajairnityamatō duḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    The rivers, infested with crocodiles
    and full of mud and slush,
    are impassable even for elephants in rut.
    Vana is such an awful place.
    லதாகண்டகஸங்கீர்ணா: க்ருகவாகூபநாதிதா: ।
    நிரபாஸ்ச ஸுதுர்காஸ்ச மார்கா து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    latākaṇṭakasaṅkīrṇāḥ kṛkavākūpanāditāḥ ।
    nirapāṡca sudurgāṡca mārgā duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    The pathways in the Vana are a tangle of creepers and thorns.
    They resound with the raucous cries of wild fowl.
    They are waterless and difficult to pass through.
    Vana, therefore, is nothing but a place of misery.
    ஸுப்யதே பர்ணஸய்யாஸு ஸ்வயம் பக்நாஸு பூதலே ।
    ராத்ரிஷு ஸ்ரமகிந்நேந தஸ்மாத்து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    supyatē parṇaṡayyāsu svayaṃ bhagnāsu bhūtalē ।
    rātriṣu ṡramakhinnēna tasmādduḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    There is nothing more than a bed of fallen leaves
    for a man to sleep on at night
    to be relieved of the fatigue after a day full of hard work.
    That is how miserable the Vana is.
    அஹோராத்ரம் ச ஸந்தோஷ: கர்தவ்யோ நியதாத்மநா ।
    பலைர்வ்ருக்ஷாவபதிதை ஸ்ஸீதே து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    ahōrātraṃ ca santōṣaḥ kartavyō niyatātmanā ।
    phalairvṛkṣāvapatitai ssītē duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    Day and night, one must be fully alert and be disciplined.
    One must be satisfied with fruits that fall from the trees.
    Life in Vana, therefore, will be hard.
    உபவாஸஸ்ச கர்தவ்யோ யதா ப்ராணேந மைதிலி! ।
    ஜடாபாரஸ்ச கர்தவ்யோ வல்கலாம்பரதாரிணா ॥
    upavāsaṡca kartavyō yathā prāṇēna maithili! ।
    jaṭābhāraṡca kartavyō valkalāmbaradhāriṇā ॥
    O princess of Mithilā!
    One may have to fast as much as one can.
    One has to live clad in tree-bark, with matted locks.
    தேவதாநாம் பித்ரூணாம் கர்தவ்யம் விதிபூர்வகம் ।
    ப்ராப்தாநாமதிதீநாம் ச நித்யஸ: ப்ரதிபூஜநம் ॥
    dēvatānāṃ pitrūṇāṃ kartavyaṃ vidhipūrvakam ।
    prāptānāmatithīnāṃ ca nityaṡaḥ pratipūjanam ॥
    The Dēvas and the manes must be
    worshipped in a customary manner.
    And chance guests must also be entertained always.
    கார்யஸ்த்ரிரபிஷேகஸ்ச காலே காலே ச நித்யஸ: ।
    சரதா நியமேநைவ தஸ்மாத்து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    kāryastrirabhiṣēkaṡca kālē kālē ca nityaṡaḥ ।
    caratā niyamēnaiva tasmāddhuḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    He who lives by rule must bathe thrice a day
    every day and at the prescribed hour.
    Life in Vana, therefore, is nothing but trying.
    அபஹாரஸ்ச கர்தவ்ய: குஸுமை ஸ்ஸ்வயமாஹ்ருதை: ।
    ஆர்ஷேண விதிநா வேத்யாம் பாலே! து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    apahāraṡca kartavyaḥ kusumai ssvayamāhṛtaiḥ ।
    ārṣēṇa vidhinā vēdyāṃ bālē! duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    O tender one! Offerings of flowers
    gathered by oneself must be made on the Vēdi
    in the mode prescribed by the Ṛshis.
    Life in Vana, therefore, will be arduous.
    யதாலப்தேந கர்தவ்ய: ஸந்தோஷஸ்தேந மைதிலி ! ।
    யதாஹாரைர்வநசரை ர்நித்யம் து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    yathālabdhēna kartavyaḥ santōṣastēna maithili ! ।
    yatāhārairvanacarai rnityaṃ duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    O princess of Mithilā, the dwellers of the Vana
    have to be contented with whatever is available
    and hence be frugal with their food.
    Life in Vana, therefore, will be hard.
    அதீவ வாதாஸ்திமிரம் புபுக்ஷா சாத்ர நித்யஸ: ।
    பயாநி ச மஹாந்த்யத்ர ததோ து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    atīva vātāstimiraṃ bubhukṣā cātra nityaṡaḥ ।
    bhayāni ca mahāntyatra tatō duḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    It is extremely windy and extremely dark there.
    Going hungry is a matter of every day fact.
    And there are many dangers to be scared of.
    There is nothing but hardship in the Vana.
    ஸரீஸ்ருபாஸ்ச பஹவோ பஹுரூபாஸ்ச பாமிநி! ।
    சரந்தி ப்ருதிவீம் தர்பாத்ததோ து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    sarīsṛpāṡca bahavō bahurūpāṡca bhāmini! ।
    caranti pṛthivīṃ darpāttatō duḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    Plenty of reptiles of many shapes and sizes,
    O delicate dame, roam around there,
    nonchalantly in their pride!
    Nothing but suffering can be expected in Vana!
    நதீ நிலயநா ஸ்ஸர்பா நதீ குடிலகாமிந: ।
    திஷட்ந்த்யாவ்ருத்ய திஷ்டந்த்யாவ்ருத்ய பந்தாநம் ததோ து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    nadī nilayanā ssarpā nadī kuṭilagāminaḥ ।
    tiṣaṭhntyāvṛtya tiṣṭhantyāvṛtya panthānaṃ tatō duḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    There will be snakes in the streams.
    And there will be snakes lying across the
    pathways in a zigzag manner resembling the streams themselves.
    Life in Vana is nothing but an ordeal.
    பதங்கா வ்ருஸ்சிகா: கீடா தம்ஸாஸ்ச மஸகை ஸ்ஸஹ ।
    பாதந்தே நித்யமபலே ஸர்வம் து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    pataṅgā vṛṡcikāḥ kīṭā daṃṡāṡca maṡakai ssaha ।
    bādhantē nityamabalē sarvaṃ duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    Birds, scorpions, insects, flies and mosquitoes as well,
    O delicate one, bother endlessly there.
    Life in Vana is nothing but a heartache.
    த்ருமா: கண்டகிநஸ்சைவ குஸா: காஸாஸ்ச பாமிநி! ।
    வநே வ்யாகுலஸாகாக்ராஸ்தேந து:கதரம் வநம் ॥
    drumāḥ kaṇṭakinaṡcaiva kuṡāḥ kāṡāṡca bhāmini! ।
    vanē vyākulaṡākhāgrāstēna duḥkhataraṃ vanam ॥
    O lovely dame! Vana is full of thorny trees
    with their branches wildly intertwined
    and full of spiky grass and reeds.
    Such Vana is nothing but of constant suffering.
    காயக்லேஸாஸ்ச பஹவோ பயாநி விவிதாநி ச ।
    அரண்யவாஸே வஸதோ து:கமேவ ததோ வநம் ॥
    kāyaklēṡāṡca bahavō bhayāni vividhāni ca ।
    araṇyavāsē vasatō duḥkhamēva tatō vanam ॥
    The hardships on one’s body are many.
    Perils to be worried about are of every kind.
    Hence there is nothing but misery in the Vana.
    க்ரோதலோபௌ விமோக்தவ்யௌ கர்தவ்யா தபஸே மதி: ।
    ந பேதவ்யம் ச பேதவ்யே நித்யம் து:கமதோ வநம் ॥
    krōdhalōbhau vimōktavyau kartavyā tapasē matiḥ ।
    na bhētavyaṃ ca bhētavyē nityaṃ duḥkhamatō vanam ॥
    One must perform Tapa abjuring
    all temptations and resentments.
    One should not be scared, even of the scariest.
    Vana is nothing but a place of every day worry.
    ததலம் தே வநம் கத்வா க்ஷமம் ந ஹி வநம் தவ ।
    விம்ருஸந்நிஹ பஸ்யாமி பஹுதோஷதரம் வநம் ॥
    tadalaṃ tē vanaṃ gatvā kṣamaṃ na hi vanaṃ tava ।
    vimṛṡanniha paṡyāmi bahudōṣataraṃ vanam ॥
    So enough of this talk of going to Vana.
    Vana is not a place for you.
    The more I think of it the more I see clearly
    the infinite perils of the Vana.
    வநந்து நேதும் ந க்ருதா மதிஸ்ததா
    பபூவ ராமேண யதா மஹாத்மநா ।
    ந தஸ்ய ஸீதா வசநம் சகார த-
    த்ததோऽப்ரவீத்ராமமிதம் ஸுது:கிதா ॥
    vanantu nētuṃ na kṛtā matistadā
    babhūva rāmēṇa yadā mahātmanā ।
    na tasya sītā vacanaṃ cakāra ta-
    ttatō'bravīdrāmamidaṃ suduḥkhitā ॥
    When Mahātma Rāma thus made up his mind
    not to take her to Vana,
    she would not accept his words.
    Greatly grieving, she spoke as follows:
    இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
    அயோத்யாகாண்டே அஷ்டாவிம்ஸஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
    ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
    ayōdhyākāṇḍē aṣṭāviṃṡassargaḥ ॥
    Thus concludes the twenty-eighth Sarga
    in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
    the first ever poem of humankind,
    composed by Vālmeeki.
    You have completed reading 3472 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.

    Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.