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Aaranyagand sarga -72

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  • Aaranyagand sarga -72

    Aaranyakanda Sarga 72

    Aranya Kaanda - Sarga 72
    In this Sarga, Rāma and Lakshmaṇa cremate Kabandha. Then from the funeral pyre rises Kabandha in his original magnificent form. Rising to the sky in a Vimāna drawn by swans, Kabandha tells Rāma that he had hit his lowest point in life as fortunes have turned against him, and the best course of action for him, of the well-known six, would be to find a friend who can help him.
    He tells Rāma about Sugreeva, a great Vānara, who lives on Mount Ṛshyamūka in fear of his brother Vāli who expelled him from the kingdom. Kabandha urges Rāma to go immediately and befriend Sugreeva, with fire as a witness.
    He tells Rāma that Sugreeva knows every inch of this world and that he and other Vānaras can find Seetā, regardless of whether she is on top of Mount Meru or at the bottom of Pātala.
    3.72.1 ஏவமுக்தௌது தௌ வீரௌ
    கபந்தேந நரேஸ்வரௌ ।
    பாவகம் விஸஸர்ஜது: ॥
    ēvamuktautu tau vīrau
    kabandhēna narēṡvarau ।
    pāvakaṃ visasarjatuḥ ॥
    Thus told by Kabandha, those two Veeras, lords of people,
    found a great hollow among the hills and lit a fire.
    3.72.2 லக்ஷ்மணஸ்து மஹோல்காபி:
    ஜ்வலிதாபிஸ்ஸமந்தத: ।
    ஸா ப்ரஜஜ்வால ஸர்வத: ॥
    lakṣmaṇastu mahōlkābhiḥ
    jvalitābhissamantataḥ ।
    sā prajajvāla sarvataḥ ॥
    With huge flaming torches Lakshmaṇa
    set fire to the pyre on all sides,
    and it broke into a big blaze.
    3.72.3 தச்சரீரம் கபந்தஸ்ய
    க்ருதபிண்டோபமம் மஹத் ।
    மேதஸா பச்யமாநஸ்ய
    மந்தம் தஹதி பாவக: ॥
    taccharīraṃ kabandhasya
    ghṛtapiṇḍōpamaṃ mahat ।
    mēdasā pacyamānasya
    mandaṃ dahati pāvakaḥ ॥
    The body of Kabandha was like a huge ball of ghee;
    fire consumed it slowly, as the fat got cooked.
    3.72.4 ஸ விதூய சிதாமாஸு
    விதூமோऽக்நிரிவோத்தித: ।
    அரஜே வாஸஸீ பிப்ரந்
    மாலாம் திவ்யாம் மஹாபல: ॥
    sa vidhūya citāmāṡu
    vidhūmō'gnirivōtthitaḥ ।
    arajē vāsasī bibhran
    mālāṃ divyāṃ mahābalaḥ ॥
    Immediately, pushing aside the pyre
    Kabandha of immense strength rose up
    like a smokeless tongue of flame,
    clad in spotless garments and
    wearing a celestial garland.
    3.73.5 ததஸ்சிதாயா வேகேந
    பாஸ்வரோ விமலாம்பர: ।
    உத்பபாதாऽஸு ஸம்ஹ்ருஷ்ட:
    ஸர்வப்ரத்யங்கபூஷண: ॥
    tataṡcitāyā vēgēna
    bhāsvarō vimalāmbaraḥ ।
    utpapātā'ṡu saṃhṛṣṭaḥ
    sarvapratyaṅgabhūṣaṇaḥ ॥
    Joyously and quickly, he rose out of the pyre,
    resplendent, wearing clean and bright clothes,
    and adorned with jewelry in every part of the body.
    3.72.6-7 விமாநே பாஸ்வரே திஷ்டந்
    ஹம்ஸயுக்தே யஸஸ்கரே ।
    ப்ரபயா ச மஹாதேஜா
    திஸோ தஸ விராஜயந் ॥
    ஸோऽந்தரிக்ஷகதோ ராமம்
    கபந்தோ வாக்யமப்ரவீத் ।
    ஸ்ருணு ராகவ தத்த்வேந
    யதா ஸீதாமவாப்ஸ்யஸி ॥
    vimānē bhāsvarē tiṣṭhan
    haṃsayuktē yaṡaskarē ।
    prabhayā ca mahātējā
    diṡō daṡa virājayan ॥
    sō'ntarikṣagatō rāmam
    kabandhō vākyamabravīt ।
    ṡṛṇu rāghava tattvēna
    yathā sītāmavāpsyasi ॥
    Seated in a shining Vimāna drawn by swans
    that proclaimed his fame,
    and lighting up the ten directions
    with his dazzling splendor,
    Kabandha took to the skies and said to Rāma:
    “Listen, Rāghava, I will tell you
    how to recover Seetā, in detail.”
    3.72.8 ராம ஷட்யுக்தயோ லோகே
    யாபிஸ்ஸர்வம் விம்ருஸ்யதே ।
    பரிம்ருஷ்டோ தஸாந்தேந
    தஸாபாகேந ஸேவ்யதே ॥
    rāma ṣaḍyuktayō lōkē
    yābhissarvaṃ vimṛṡyatē ।
    parimṛṣṭō daṡāntēna
    daṡābhāgēna sēvyatē ॥
    O Rāma! There are six techniques in the world
    with which everything can be resolved.
    One who is hit by adversity
    would find good company in one
    who has been already hit by adversity. The six techniques (to deal with an adversary) are:
    संधि (Saṃdhi)– to negotiate and settle
    विग्रह (Vigraha) – to continue the stand off
    यान (Yāna) – to forge ahead and attack
    आसन (Āsana) – to wait for the right opportunity
    द्वैदीभाव (Dvaideebhāva) – to divide the enemies
    समाश्रयण (Samāṡrayaṇa) – to take the help of someone else.
    3.72.9 தஸாபாககதோ ஹீந:
    த்வம் ஹி ராம ஸலக்ஷ்மண: ।
    யத்க்ருதே வ்யஸநம் ப்ராப்தம்
    த்வயா தாரப்ரதர்ஷணம் ॥
    daṡābhāgagatō hīnaḥ
    tvaṃ hi rāma salakṣmaṇaḥ ।
    yatkṛtē vyasanaṃ prāptam
    tvayā dārapradharṣaṇam ॥
    O Rāma, you, and also Lakshmaṇa
    are at the lowest point (of your life)
    with your fortunes running against you.
    That is why this hardship of the
    loss of your wife has befallen on you. Rāmāyaṇa is a very inspirational story. As Kabandha says here, Rāma, the best man in every sense of the word, living in his times, hit his lowest point in life. From the lowest point in life, one can only go up. Help comes from some corner or the other that one has never even thought of. It came to Rāma in the form of Kabandha first and in the form of Sugreeva later.
    In fact, Rāma was at his lowest point in life when Seetā was abducted. Then he was hit by the grief of the death of Jaṭāyu. As if that was not enough, he and Lakshmaṇa got caught in the clutches of Kabandha, which proved to be a blessing in disguise.
    But the most important point here is that, when he is at his lowest point, Rāma moves along trying to do what he can, finding help along the way; that is what anyone caught in the whirl of events should do – keep moving, do what is possible.
    3.72.10 ததவஸ்யம் த்வயா கார்ய:
    ஸஸுஹ்ருத்ஸுஹ்ருதாம் வர ।
    அக்ருத்வா ஹி ந தே ஸித்திம்
    அஹம் பஸ்யாமி சிந்தயந் ॥
    tadavaṡyaṃ tvayā kāryaḥ
    sasuhṛtsuhṛdāṃ vara ।
    akṛtvā hi na tē siddhim
    ahaṃ paṡyāmi cintayan ॥
    O you, best among the good hearted people!
    You should certainly seek a good friend;
    I do not see how you can accomplish
    your object without doing so.
    3.72.11 ஸ்ரூயதாம் ராம வக்ஷ்யாமி
    ஸுக்ரீவோ நாம வாநர: ।
    ப்ராத்ரா நிரஸ்த: க்ருத்தேந
    வாலிநா ஸக்ரஸூநுநா ॥
    ṡrūyatāṃ rāma vakṣyāmi
    sugrīvō nāma vānaraḥ ।
    bhrātrā nirastaḥ kruddhēna
    vālinā ṡakrasūnunā ॥
    O Rāma! Listen, I will tell you.
    There is a Vānara by name Sugreeva,
    who was expelled (from his kingdom)
    by his angry brother Vāli, son of Ṡakra.
    3.72.12 ருஸ்யமூகே கிரிவரே
    பம்பாபர்யந்தஸோபிதே ।
    சதுர்பிஸ்ஸஹ வாநரை: ॥
    ṛṡyamūkē girivarē
    pampāparyantaṡōbhitē ।
    caturbhissaha vānaraiḥ ॥
    He lives on the great mountain Ṛshyamūka,
    whose beauty is enhanced by the nearby river Pampa,
    along with four other Vānaras.
    3.72.13 வாநரேந்த்ரோ மஹாவீர்ய:
    தேஜோவாநமிதப்ரப: ।
    ஸத்யஸந்தோ விநீதஸ்ச
    த்ருதிமாந்மதிமாந்மஹாந் ॥
    vānarēndrō mahāvīryaḥ
    tējōvānamitaprabhaḥ ।
    satyasandhō vinītaṡca
    dhṛtimānmatimānmahān ॥
    That lord of Vānaras is immensely brave,
    possesses great prowess and exudes limitless radiance.
    He is a great person, wedded to truth,
    modest, courageous and intelligent.
    3.72.14 தக்ஷ: ப்ரகல்போ த்யுதிமாந்
    மஹாபலபராக்ரம: ।
    ப்ராத்ரா விவாஸிதோ ராம
    ராஜ்யஹேதோர்மஹாபல: ॥
    dakṣaḥ pragalbhō dyutimān
    mahābalaparākramaḥ ।
    bhrātrā vivāsitō rāma
    rājyahētōrmahābalaḥ ॥
    He is capable, masterful, brilliant,
    of immense strength and great valor.
    He was expelled, for the sake of the kingdom,
    by his mighty strong brother.
    3.72.15 ஸ தே ஸஹாயோ மித்ரம் ச
    ஸீதாயா: பரிமார்கணே ।
    பவிஷ்யதி ஹி தே ராம
    மா ச ஸோகே மந: க்ருதா: ॥
    sa tē sahāyō mitraṃ ca
    sītāyāḥ parimārgaṇē ।
    bhaviṣyati hi tē rāma
    mā ca ṡōkē manaḥ kṛthāḥ ॥
    He will become your good friend, ally,
    and will render help in searching for Seetā;
    O Rāma, let grief not take over your mind!
    3.72.16 பவிதவ்யம் ஹி யச்சாபி
    ந தச்சக்யமிஹாந்யதா ।
    காலோ ஹி துரதிக்ரம: ॥
    bhavitavyaṃ hi yaccāpi
    na tacchakyamihānyathā ।
    kālō hi duratikramaḥ ॥
    O tiger among Ikshwākus!
    Whatever is bound to happen,
    will happen and it cannot be forfended;
    there is no getting around what time has in store!
    3.72.17-18a கச்ச ஸீக்ரமிதோ ராம
    ஸுக்ரீவம் தம் மஹாபலம் ।
    வயஸ்யம் தம் குரு க்ஷிப்ரம்
    இதோ கத்வாऽத்ய ராகவ ॥
    அத்ரோஹாய ஸமாகம்ய
    தீப்யமாநே விபாவஸௌ ।
    gaccha ṡīghramitō rāma
    sugrīvaṃ taṃ mahābalam ।
    vayasyaṃ taṃ kuru kṣipram
    itō gatvā'dya rāghava ॥
    adrōhāya samāgamya
    dīpyamānē vibhāvasau ।
    O Rāma! Go quick from here!
    O Rāghava, going away from here right away,
    make friends with the mighty strong Sugreeva
    with a brightly lit fire for witness,
    so that there is no room for subversion.
    3.72.18b-19a ஸ ச தே நாவமந்தவ்ய:
    ஸுக்ரீவோ வாநரோऽபிஸந் ॥
    க்ருதஜ்ஞ: காமரூபீ ச
    ஸஹாயார்தீ ச வீர்யவாந் ।
    sa ca tē nāvamantavyaḥ
    sugrīvō vānarō'pisan ॥
    kṛtajńaḥ kāmarūpī ca
    sahāyārthī ca vīryavān ।
    Do not underestimate Sugreeva;
    even though he is a Vānara, he is valorous,
    loyal and capable of taking any form at will.
    He is also in need of a helpful ally.
    3.72.19b-20a ஸக்தௌஹ்யத்ய யுவாம் கர்தும்
    கார்யம் தஸ்ய சிகீர்ஷிதம் ॥
    க்ருதார்தோ வாऽக்ருதார்தோ வா
    க்ருத்யம் தவ கரிஷ்யதி ।
    ṡaktauhyadya yuvāṃ kartum
    kāryaṃ tasya cikīrṣitam ॥
    kṛtārthō vā'kṛtārthō vā
    kṛtyaṃ tava kariṣyati ।
    Now, you two are very capable of doing what he needs.
    Whether he succeeds or not (with your help) in his object,
    he will (certainly) do the needful for you.
    .3.72.20b-21a ஸ ருக்ஷரஜஸ: புத்ர:
    பம்பாமடதி ஸங்கித: ॥
    பாஸ்கரஸ்யௌரஸ: புத்ரோ
    வாலிநா க்ருதகில்பிஷ: ।
    sa ṛkṣarajasaḥ putraḥ
    pampāmaṭati ṡaṅkitaḥ ॥
    bhāskarasyaurasaḥ putrō
    vālinā kṛtakilbiṣaḥ ।
    He, the son of Ṛksharajas,
    born by the favor of the sun-god,
    spends time around river Pampa,
    in fear of Vāli, who mistreated him.
    3.72.21b-22a ஸம்நிதாயாऽயுதம் க்ஷிப்ரம்
    ருஷ்யமூகாலயம் கபிம் ॥
    குரு ராகவ ஸத்யேந
    வயஸ்யம் வநசாரிணம் ।
    saṃnidhāyā'yudhaṃ kṣipram
    ṛṣyamūkālayaṃ kapim ॥
    kuru rāghava satyēna
    vayasyaṃ vanacāriṇam ।
    Take your weapons and go quickly
    to Ṛshyamūka, the abode of the Vānara.
    O Rāghava, make that Vana-rover
    your friend, swearing on truth.
    3.72.22b-23a ஸ ஹி ஸ்தாநாநி ஸர்வாணி
    கார்த்ஸ்ந்யேந கபிகுஞ்ஜர: ॥
    நரமாம்ஸாஸிநாம் லோகே
    நைபுண்யாததிகச்சதி ।
    sa hi sthānāni sarvāṇi
    kārtsnyēna kapikuńjaraḥ ॥
    naramāṃsāṡināṃ lōkē
    naipuṇyādadhigacchati ।
    He, an elephant among Vānaras,
    with his talents, learned thoroughly
    about every place in the world,
    where those who prey on human flesh delve.
    3.72.23b-24a ந தஸ்யாவிதிதம் லோகே
    கிஞ்சிதஸ்தி ஹி ராகவ ॥
    யாவத்ஸூர்ய: ப்ரதபதி
    ஸஹஸ்ராம்ஸுரரிந்தம ।
    na tasyāviditaṃ lōkē
    kińcidasti hi rāghava ॥
    yāvatsūryaḥ pratapati
    sahasrāṃṡurarindama ।
    O Rāghava! O subduer of foes!
    There is no part of this world
    where the thousand-rayed sun shines
    that he does not know.
    3.72.24b-25a ஸ நதீர்விபுலாந்ஸைலாந்
    கிரிதுர்காணி கந்தராந் ॥
    அந்வீக்ஷ்ய வாநரைஸ்ஸார்தம்
    பத்நீம் தேऽதிகமிஷ்யதி ।
    sa nadīrvipulānṡailān
    giridurgāṇi kandarān ॥
    anvīkṣya vānaraissārdham
    patnīṃ tē'dhigamiṣyati ।
    He, along with the other Vānaras
    can search the rivers, the big mountains,
    their peaks and the caves, and find your wife.
    3.72.25b-26 வாநராம்ஸ்ச மஹாகாயாந்
    ப்ரேஷயிஷ்யதி ராகவ ॥
    திஸோ விசேதும் தாம் ஸீதாம்
    த்வத்வியோகேந ஸோசதீம் ।
    ஸ ஜ்ஞாஸ்யதி வராரோஹாம்
    நிர்மலாம் ராவணாலயே ॥
    vānarāṃṡca mahākāyān
    prēṣayiṣyati rāghava ॥
    diṡō vicētuṃ tāṃ sītām
    tvadviyōgēna ṡōcatīm ।
    sa jńāsyati varārōhām
    nirmalāṃ rāvaṇālayē ॥
    O Rāghava! He can send the huge Vānaras
    in every direction to search for
    Seetā of pure mind and beautiful Kaṭee,
    who must be grieving in the
    house of Rāvaṇa, bereaved of you. Note that Kabandha has never seen Seetā, yet says that she is of beautiful Kaṭee. So, it must have been a common usage in those days. It is similar to saying ‘that good girl’ instead of ‘that girl’, or ‘that gentleman’ instead of ‘that man’, even when one does not know much about the person.
    Also note that, in all classical literature of India, men (for example, Rāma) are described as broad-shouldered, or broad-chested (महोरस्कः - mahōraskaḥ) and women (for example, Seetā) are described as broad-hipped waist down (वरारोहा - varārōhā), consistently, which makes them handsome and beautiful respectively. It also speaks to the specific skeletal accents of men and women from the anatomic point of view.
    3.72.27 ஸ மேருஸ்ருங்காக்ரகதாமநிந்திதாம்
    ப்ரவிஸ்ய பாதாலதலேऽபி வா ஸ்ரிதாம் ।
    ப்லவங்கமாநாம் ப்ரவரஸ்தவ ப்ரியாம்
    நிஹத்ய ரக்ஷாம்ஸி புந: ப்ரதாஸ்யதி ॥
    sa mēruṡṛṅgāgragatāmaninditāṃ
    praviṡya pātālatalē'pi vā ṡritām ।
    plavaṅgamānāṃ pravarastava priyāṃ
    nihatya rakṣāṃsi punaḥ pradāsyati ॥
    That gem among Vānaras can go to
    the top of Meru or the bottom of Pātala,
    regardless of where your beloved might be,
    and kill the Rākshasas and
    deliver the blameless one to you.
    இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
    ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
    அரண்யகாண்டே த்விஸப்ததிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
    ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
    ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
    araṇyakāṇḍē dvisaptatitamassargaḥ ।
    Thus concludes the seventy second Sarga
    in Araṇya Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
    the first ever poem of humankind,
    composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
    You have completed reading 8854 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.

    Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.