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  • Sannyasi

    SANNYASANA - [Sanskrit] - [nyasa] renunciation; abandonment. A member of the
    sannyasa order is known as a sannyasin (male) or sannyasini (female); one who
    abandons or resigns from worldy affairs. Brahman in the fourth order.
    Commentary from Swami Sivananda -
    Who is a Sannyasin?

    A Sannyasin has a different angle of vision of the worldly affairs, looking upon
    everything from an absolutely different point of view. Just as the man who wears
    green spectacles sees green objects everywhere, so also a Sannyasin/Jnani sees
    the Atman everywhere through his new eye of wisdom. There is absolutely no
    personal element in him. He has not a bit of selfish interest. The lower self is
    completely annihilated. He lives for serving all. He feels the world as his own
    Self. He actually feels that all is himself only. There is not a single thought
    or feeling for his personal little self. He has cosmic vision and cosmic
    feeling. Just as the river has joined the ocean, he has joined the ocean of
    bliss, knowledge and consciousness. He thinks and feels and works for others.

    A Sannyasin is absolutely free from worries, difficulties, troubles, tribulations,
    sorrow and anxieties under any circumstance or condition. He is always cheerful
    and happy. He is not a slave or victim of different moods. He is not moved a bit
    by sorrow, grief or persecution.

    A Sannyasin has got all-round development. He has spotless or unblemished
    character. All sattwic virtues shine in him. He is an embodiment of mercy,
    sympathy, love, patience, serenity, etc. He has high qualities. The whole nature
    has been perfectly unfolded. All divine attributes are fully awakened in

    The life of Jesus shows how a real Sannyasin will behave. A Sannyasin is a very
    good and extremely virtuous person, with no attachment to the world. He may live
    in the forest or in the city. He will always be thinking of God and of the
    welfare of other people. He will keep his mind and heart quite pure. He is
    without anger, without hatred, is truthful and kind. He wants no luxuries but
    just enough food to keep him alive. He wears very simple dress. He has no family
    and children and property. Yet he is extremely happy. He is wise and virtuous.
    He possesses divine qualities such as mercy, universal love, truthfulness,
    purity. He has control over his mind and senses. He is free from anger, lust,
    greed, pride, jealousy. He loves all. He always prays and meditates. He never
    does any harm to anybody. People respect and adore him.

    Complete glossary can be found at:

    Where is God? Look within.
    -Sri Swami Sivananda