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Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

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  • Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

    Respected Guru,

    My unmarried elder brother, living in the US has not been able to perform the maasikams for my father who attained daiva patham last Septemper 27,(2011) in Trichy. However, he performed oonams( 27-30, 40-45, 340-355 in USA & 170-180 in Trichy)

    I ( wife & 2 children), as per the advice of our Vaadhyar in Bangalore, have performed the maasikam & oonam for the last 12 months(parvanam with Homam & Bhojanam).

    Sastrigal in Trichy has advised that my elder brother should perform all 12 masikams before the apthikam Oct 15th, 2012), along with us in Trichy.

    Request your esteemed advice on who should do what, in case of unmarried elder brother living abroad , married second son in India & (Mother & un married 3rd son) living in Trichy.

    respectful regards,

  • #2
    Re: Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

    All the masikams must be done by the eldest son now before 15th october trichy.


    • #3
      Re: Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

      I don't want to interfere in the past done masikams.
      Now you are having every right to perform the Varusha Apthikam and successive yearly shradhams separately.
      So, you do not worry about your elder brother's karma.

      If you want to convey my opinion to him, convey the below:
      We don't know how he did the past masikams in a foreign country,
      any how there is no chance to redo the oonams which once left can not be done in future.

      If the vadhyar willing to do all the previous masikams combined at one time
      that can be done as parvanam if it is done on the 12th (final) masikam day by keeping
      one swamy for each masikam.

      If it is done on the Varusha Apthikam day itself, it can not be done as parvanam
      but it can be done as Amam dhatham which will be useful to satisfy the vadhyar and others.

      If both you and your elder brother willing to do the varusha apthikam combined it can be done for this year only.
      From next year you have to do it separately.

      Note:- doing a shradham with oupasanam is not considered as superior and
      a shradham done without oupasanam or even without agni is not inferior as per shastram.

      A lady doing a shradha karma for his husband without agni is as equal as done by a son with agni santhanam and oupasanam.

      Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your vaideeka, Shastra, Sampradaya doubts,
      please visit frequently and share information anything you think that will be useful for this forum members.
      Encourage your friends to become member of this forum.
      Best Wishes and Best Regards,


      • #4
        Re: Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

        Respected collegues

        My mother died on 25-02-2017 0910 hrs Chathurdasi thithi.
        My star is Karthigai I am the eldest son

        Will you please inform me the
        Oona Masiga Sodhakumbam dates !

        = sankarcs


        • #5
          Re: Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

          Originally posted by sankarcs View Post
          Respected collegues

          My mother died on 25-02-2017 0910 hrs Chathurdasi thithi.
          My star is Karthigai I am the eldest son

          Will you please inform me the
          Oona Masiga Sodhakumbam dates !

          = sankarcs
          The date you have selected is : 25-2-2017 - Kumba (Masi) Krishna Chathurdasi thithi.
          General Conditions : If possible avoid eldest kartha's jenma star, then Tuesday - Saturday - Friday (in this order)
          27th Oonam : 24-03-2017

          We have given 28th day, it can be performed either on 28th or on 29th day.
          It can be performed on 30th day if thithi maasikam does not occur.

          45th Oonam : 06-04-2017

          We have given 41st day, it can be performed on any one day from 41st to 45th day.

          6th month Oonam : 14-08-2017

          We have given 171st day, it can be performed on any one day from 171st to 180th day.

          Oona aapthikam : 31-01-2018

          We have given 341st day, it can be performed on any one day from 341st to 355th day.

          General conditions are applicable for all the four oonams.

          Note:- You discuss with the vadhyar to decide the Oonams date according to the convenience of both
          and also keeping the given conditions.

          Note:- 11th day Ekaham is 1st Masikam so the masikams will be started from 2nd.
          Sodakumbams to be done on the previous day of every masikam so need to mention the dates of sodakumbam.
          2nd Masikam - 26.03.2017
          3rd Masikam - 25.04.2017
          Please find out other masikams from the below given table up to the month of Masi See the 14th row in black.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Hevilambi-shradha-thithi-dates.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	184.0 KB
ID:	34006

          Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your vaideeka, Shastra, Sampradaya doubts,
          please visit frequently and share information anything you think that will be useful for this forum members.
          Encourage your friends to become member of this forum.
          Best Wishes and Best Regards,


          • #6
            Re: Sodhambam, Masikam, oonam, Aapthikam

            Thank you very much for your immediate reply Sir

            Very happy and praying God to shower his Blessings on you and your family

            = sankarcs

