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Yuddha Kaanda Sargas 43

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  • Yuddha Kaanda Sargas 43

    Yuddha Kaanda Sarga 43

    Yuddha Kaanda - Sarga 43
    In this Sarga, Vānaras and Rākshasas engage in duels, with Aṅgada fighting Indrajit, Saṃpāti fighting Prajaṅgha, Hanumān fighting Jambumāli, Vibheeshaṇa fighting Mitraghna, Gaja fighting Tapana, Neela fighting Nikumbha, Sugreeva fighting Praghasa, Lakshmaṇa fighting Virūpāksha, Rāma fighting Agnikētu, Raṡmikētu, Suptaghna and Yajñakōpa, Mainda fighting Vajramushṭhi, Dwivida fighting Aṡaniprabha, Nala fighting Pratapana, and Sushēṇa fighting Vidyunmāli.
    On this first day of the battle, the prominent Rākshasas Saptaparṇa, Agnikētu, Raṡmikētu, Suptaghna, Yajñakētu, Vajramushṭhi, Aṡaniprabha and Vidyunmāli are slain.
    The Rākshasas, torn quite a bit apart, wait for the sun to set, to resume their counter-attack, since they grow stronger in the night.
    6.43.1 அ
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    யுத்த்யாதாம் து ததஸ்தேஷாம்
    வாநராணாம் மஹாத்மநாம் ।
    ரக்ஷஸாம் ஸம்பபூவாத
    பலகோப: ஸுதாருண: ॥
    yuddhyātāṃ tu tatastēṣām
    vānarāṇāṃ mahātmanām ।
    rakṣasāṃ sambabhūvātha
    balakōpaḥ sudāruṇaḥ ॥
    Terrible strength and anger were at display
    as the fight ensued between
    Vānaras, the Mahātmas, and Rākshasas.
    6.43.2 அ
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    தே ஹயை: காஞ்சநாபீடை:
    த்வஜைஸ்சாக்நிஸிகோபமை: ।
    கவசைஸ்ச மநோரமை: ।
    நிர்யயூ ராக்ஷஸவ்யாக்ரா
    நாதயந்தோ திஸோ தஸ ।
    ராக்ஷஸா பீமகர்மாண:
    ராவணஸ்ய ஜயைஷிண: ॥
    tē hayaiḥ kāñcanāpīḍaiḥ
    dhvajaiṡcāgniṡikhōpamaiḥ ।
    kavacaiṡca manōramaiḥ ।
    niryayū rākṣasavyāghrā
    nādayantō diṡō daṡa ।
    rākṣasā bhīmakarmāṇaḥ
    rāvaṇasya jayaiṣiṇaḥ ॥
    With horses adorned with golden decorations,
    flag posts that dazzled like tongues of flame,
    chariots that shone like the sun,
    and coats-of-mail that stole one’s heart,
    the formidable tigers among Rākshasas,
    wishing victory for Rāvaṇa,
    came out of the city, creating a din
    that spread in the ten directions.
    6.43.4 அ
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    வாநராணாமபி சமூ:
    ப்ருஹதீ ஜயமிச்சதாம் ।
    அப்யதாவத தாம் ஸேநாம்
    ரக்ஷஸாம் காமரூபிணாம் ॥
    vānarāṇāmapi camūḥ
    bṛhatī jayamicchatām ।
    abhyadhāvata tāṃ sēnām
    rakṣasāṃ kāmarūpiṇām ॥
    And the huge Vānara army also,
    equally avid for victory,
    dashed towards the army of Rākshasas
    who could assume any form at will.
    6.43.5 அ
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    ஏதஸ்மிந்நந்தரே தேஷாம்
    அந்யோந்யமபிதாவதாம் ।
    ரக்ஷஸாம் வாநராணாம் ச
    த்வந்த்வயுத்தமவர்தத ॥
    ētasminnantarē tēṣām
    anyōnyamabhidhāvatām ।
    rakṣasāṃ vānarāṇāṃ ca
    dvandvayuddhamavartata ॥
    With that, as they dashed into each other,
    there ensued several duels
    between the Rākshasas and Vānaras.
    6.43.6 அ
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    அங்கதேநேந்த்ரஜித் ஸார்தம்
    வாலிபுத்ரேண ராக்ஷஸ: ।
    அயுத்யத மஹாதேஜா:
    த்ர்யம்பகேண யதாऽந்தக: ॥
    aṅgadēnēndrajit sārdham
    vāliputrēṇa rākṣasaḥ ।
    ayudhyata mahātējāḥ
    tryambakēṇa yathā'ntakaḥ ॥
    The extremely powerful Indrajit, the Rākshasa
    fought with Aṅgada, the son of Vāli,
    like Yama (the god of death) fighting
    with (Siva), the Lord of three eyes.
    6.43.7 அ
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    ப்ரஜங்கேந ச ஸம்பாதி:
    நித்யம் துர்மர்ஷணோ ரணே ।
    ஹநுமாநபி வாநர: ॥
    prajaṅghēna ca sampātiḥ
    nityaṃ durmarṣaṇō raṇē ।
    hanumānapi vānaraḥ ॥
    Saṃpāti, who could never be
    stood against in battle,
    fought with Prajaṅgha,
    while Hanumān, the Vānara,
    began to fight with Jambumāli.
    6.43.8 அ
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    ஸங்கத: ஸுமஹாக்ரோதோ
    ராக்ஷஸோ ராவணாநுஜ: ।
    ஸமரே தீக்ஷ்ணவேகேந
    மித்ரக்நேந விபீஷண: ॥
    saṅgataḥ sumahākrōdhō
    rākṣasō rāvaṇānujaḥ ।
    samarē tīkṣṇavēgēna
    mitraghnēna vibhīṣaṇaḥ ॥
    The Rākshasa Vibheeshaṇa, Rāvaṇa’s younger brother,
    was in extreme rage as he closed in
    combat with the dashing Mitraghna.
    6.43.9 அ
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    தபநேந கஜ: ஸார்தம்
    ராக்ஷஸேந மஹாபல: ।
    நிகும்பேந மஹாதேஜா
    நீலோऽபி ஸமயுத்த்யத ॥
    tapanēna gajaḥ sārdham
    rākṣasēna mahābalaḥ ।
    nikumbhēna mahātējā
    nīlō'pi samayuddhyata ॥
    Gaja, of immense strength,
    fought with the Rākshasa Tapana,
    and the extremely powerful Neela
    fought with Nikumbha.
    6.43.10 அ
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    வாநரேந்த்ரஸ்து ஸுக்ரீவ:
    ப்ரகஸேந ஸமாகத: ।
    ஸங்கத: ஸமரே ஸ்ரீமாந்
    விரூபாக்ஷேண லக்ஷ்மண: ॥
    vānarēndrastu sugrīvaḥ
    praghasēna samāgataḥ ।
    saṅgataḥ samarē ṡrīmān
    virūpākṣēṇa lakṣmaṇaḥ ॥
    Sugreeva, the lord of Vānaras,
    confronted Praghasa,
    and the blessed Lakshmaṇa
    was locked in combat with Virūpāksha.
    6.43.11 அ
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    ஆக்நிகேதுஸ்ச துர்தர்ஷோ
    ரஸ்மிகேதுஸ்ச ராக்ஷஸ: ।
    ஸுப்தக்நோ யஜ்ஞகோபஸ்ச
    ராமேண ஸஹ ஸங்கதா: ॥
    āgnikētuṡca durdharṣō
    raṡmikētuṡca rākṣasaḥ ।
    suptaghnō yajñakōpaṡca
    rāmēṇa saha saṅgatāḥ ॥
    The invincible Agnikētu,
    the Rākshasa Raṡmikētu,
    Suptaghna and Yajñakōpa were
    locked in a fight with Rāma.
    6.43.12 அ
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    வஜ்ரமுஷ்டிஸ்து மைந்தேந
    த்விவிதேநாஸநிப்ரப: ।
    ராக்ஷஸாப்யாம் ஸுகோராப்யாம்
    கபிமுக்யௌ ஸமாகதௌ ॥
    vajramuṣṭistu maindēna
    dvividēnāṡaniprabhaḥ ।
    rākṣasābhyāṃ sughōrābhyām
    kapimukhyau samāgatau ॥
    The fierce Rākshasas
    Vajramushṭhi and Aṡaniprabha
    were locked in combat with
    the great Vānara chiefs
    Mainda and Dwivida respectively.
    6.43.13 அ
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    வீர: ப்ரதபநோ கோரோ
    ராக்ஷஸோ ரணதுர்தர: ।
    ஸமரே தீக்ஷ்ணவேகேந
    நலேந ஸமயுத்த்யத ॥
    vīraḥ pratapanō ghōrō
    rākṣasō raṇadurdharaḥ ।
    samarē tīkṣṇavēgēna
    nalēna samayuddhyata ॥
    The valiant and terrible Rākshasa Pratapana,
    who could not be stand against in battle,
    fought with Nala, who was impetuous in attack.
    6.43.14 அ
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    தர்மஸ்ய புத்ரோ பலவாந்
    ஸுஷேண இதி விஸ்ருத: ।
    ஸ வித்யுந்மாலிநா ஸார்தம்
    அயுத்யத மஹாகபி: ॥
    dharmasya putrō balavān
    suṣēṇa iti viṡrutaḥ ।
    sa vidyunmālinā sārdham
    ayudhyata mahākapiḥ ॥
    Dharma’s son, the famed Sushēṇa,
    the strong and mighty Vānara,
    fought with Vidyunmāli.
    6.43.15 அ
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    வாநராஸ்சாபரே பீமா
    ராக்ஷஸைரபரை: ஸஹ ।
    த்வந்த்வம் ஸமீயு: ஸஹஸா
    யுத்த்வா ச பஹுபி: ஸஹ ॥
    vānarāṡcāparē bhīmā
    rākṣasairaparaiḥ saha ।
    dvandvaṃ samīyuḥ sahasā
    yuddhvā ca bahubhiḥ saha ॥
    Many other formidable Vānaras,
    who had fought with many already,
    were engaged in duels with other Rākshasas.
    6.43.16 அ
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    தத்ராஸீத் ஸுமஹத்யுத்தம்
    துமுலம் ரோமஹர்ஷணம் ।
    ரக்ஷஸாம் வாநராணாம் ச
    வீராணாம் ஜயமிச்சதாம் ॥
    tatrāsīt sumahadyuddham
    tumulaṃ rōmaharṣaṇam ।
    rakṣasāṃ vānarāṇāṃ ca
    vīrāṇāṃ jayamicchatām ॥
    Then there ensued a fierce battle,
    tumultuous and making the hair of
    the beholder stand on its end,
    between Rākshasa and Vānara warriors
    who were both keen on victory.
    6.43.17 அ
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    ப்ரஸ்ருதா: கேஸஸாத்வலா: ।
    ப்ரஸஸ்ரு: ஸோணிதாபகா: ॥
    prasṛtāḥ kēṡaṡādvalāḥ ।
    prasasruḥ ṡōṇitāpagāḥ ॥
    Rivers of blood flowed from
    the bodies of the Vānaras and the Rākshasas,
    on which floated hair, like moss,
    and corpses, like logs.
    6.43.18 அ
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    ஆஜகாநேந்த்ரஜித் க்ருத்தோ
    வஜ்ரேணேவ ஸதக்ரது: ।
    அங்கதம் கதயா வீரம்
    ஸத்ருஸைந்யவிதாரணம் ॥
    ājaghānēndrajit kruddhō
    vajrēṇēva ṡatakratuḥ ।
    aṅgadaṃ gadayā vīram
    ṡatrusainyavidāraṇam ॥
    Like (Indra), the performer of
    a hundred Yajñas, does with the Vajra,
    the enraged Indrajit hit, with his mace,
    the valiant Aṅgada who
    could tear apart the enemy forces.
    6.43.19 அ
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    தஸ்ய காஞ்சநசித்ராங்கம்
    ரதம் ஸாஸ்வம் ஸஸாரதிம் ।
    ஜகாந ஸமரே ஸ்ரீமாந்
    அங்கதோ வேகவாந் கபி: ॥
    tasya kāñcanacitrāṅgam
    rathaṃ sāṡvaṃ sasārathim ।
    jaghāna samarē ṡrīmān
    aṅgadō vēgavān kapiḥ ॥
    The blessed Aṅgada, the swift Vānara,
    smashed the chariot (of Indrajit)
    that was beautifully decked with gold,
    along with its horses and the charioteer.
    6.43.20 அ
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    ஸம்பாதிஸ்து த்ரிபிர்பாணை:
    ப்ரஜங்கேந ஸமாஹத: ।
    ப்ரஜங்கம் ரணமூர்தநி ॥
    sampātistu tribhirbāṇaiḥ
    prajaṅghēna samāhataḥ ।
    prajaṅghaṃ raṇamūrdhani ॥
    Saṃpāti, struck by Prajaṅgha with three arrows,
    hit Prajaṅgha point-blank with an Aṡwakarṇa tree.
    6.43.21 அ
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    ஜம்புமாலீ ரதஸ்தஸ்து
    ரதஸக்த்யா மஹாபல: ।
    பிபேத ஸமரே க்ருத்தோ
    ஹநூமந்தம் ஸ்தநாந்தரே ॥
    jambumālī rathasthastu
    rathaṡaktyā mahābalaḥ ।
    bibhēda samarē kruddhō
    hanūmantaṃ stanāntarē ॥
    The immensely strong Jambumāli,
    seated in his chariot,
    angrily struck Hanumān between the nipples
    with the javelin, with which
    the chariot was equipped.
    6.43.22 அ
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    தஸ்ய தம் ரதமாஸ்தாய
    ஹநூமாந் மாருதாத்மஜ: ।
    ப்ரமமாத தலேநாஸு
    ஸஹ தேநைவ ரக்ஷஸா ॥
    tasya taṃ rathamāsthāya
    hanūmān mārutātmajaḥ ।
    pramamātha talēnāṡu
    saha tēnaiva rakṣasā ॥
    Hanumān, the son of Vāyu,
    instantly sprang upon his chariot,
    and with a blow from his open palm
    smashed the chariot along with the Rākshasa.
    6.43.23 அ
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    நதந் ப்ரதபநோ கோரோ
    நலம் ஸோऽப்யந்வதாவத ।
    நல: ப்ரதபநஸ்யாஸு
    பாதயாமாஸ சக்ஷுஷீ ॥
    nadan pratapanō ghōrō
    nalaṃ sō'pyanvadhāvata ।
    nalaḥ pratapanasyāṡu
    pātayāmāsa cakṣuṣī ॥
    The terrible Pratapana
    attacked Nala, yelling.
    Nala immediately dealt Pratapana
    a blow that sent his eyes
    flying from their sockets.
    6.43.24 அ
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    6.43.25 அ
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    பிந்நகாத்ர: ஸரைஸ்தீக்ஷ்ணை:
    க்ஷிப்ரஹஸ்தேந ரக்ஷஸா ।
    க்ரஸந்தமிவ ஸைந்யாநி
    ப்ரகஸம் வாநராதிப: ।
    ஸுக்ரீவ: ஸப்தபர்ணேந
    நிர்பிபேத ஜகாந ச ॥
    bhinnagātraḥ ṡaraistīkṣṇaiḥ
    kṣiprahastēna rakṣasā ।
    grasantamiva sainyāni
    praghasaṃ vānarādhipaḥ ।
    sugrīvaḥ saptaparṇēna
    nirbibhēda jaghāna ca ॥
    Wounded by the sharp arrows
    of the swift-handed Rākshasa Praghasa
    who seemed to be set for gobbling up his army,
    Sugreeva, the ruler of Vānaras,
    wounded and slew him with a Saptaparṇa tree.
    6.43.25 இ
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    6.43.26 ஆ
    அக்நிகேதுஸ்ச துர்தர்ஷோ
    ரஸ்மிகேதுஸ்ச ராக்ஷஸ: ।
    ஸுப்தக்நோ யஜ்ஞகோபஸ்ச
    ராமம் நிர்பிபிது: ஸரை: ॥
    agnikētuṡca durdharṣō
    raṡmikētuṡca rākṣasaḥ ।
    suptaghnō yajñakōpaṡca
    rāmaṃ nirbibhiduḥ ṡaraiḥ ॥
    The unassailable Agnikētu, the Rākshasa Raṡmikētu,
    Suptaghna and Yajñakētu shot Rāma with arrows.
    6.43.26 இ
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    தேஷாம் சதுர்ணாம் ராமஸ்து
    ஸிராம்ஸி நிஸிதை: ஸரை ।
    கோரைரக்நிஸிகோபமை: ॥
    tēṣāṃ caturṇāṃ rāmastu
    ṡirāṃsi niṡitaiḥ ṡarai ।
    ghōrairagniṡikhōpamaiḥ ॥
    The angered Rāma cut off
    the heads of those four
    with four sharp arrows
    that were fierce like tongues of flame.
    To be continued