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Why should one wake up in Brahmamuhurtha ?

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  • Why should one wake up in Brahmamuhurtha ?

    Why should one wake up in Brahmamuhurtha?

    A) Brahma Muhurta:

    Brahma Muhurta means 'Time of God'. It is very favorable time for sadhana.

    This time is very suitable of attaining bharam gyan (meditation and self analysis). This time is considered the best time for acquiring supreme knowledge and eternal happiness.

    According to today’s era, time between 4 to 6 A.M. is said to be Brahma Muhurat.

    According to Rishi Sushurut, this time is also called as nectar time (amrit bela) and the best time for offering prayers to God and for learning. This time is nectar time because the environment is pure and calm, breeze is nice and soothing, and mind is fresh after sleep, nice light which is cool and refreshing.

    More over Athrava Veda mentions this time very good for remaining healthy and away from diseases. In this period, mind can easily concentrate on mediation, prayers and studies. Mediation at this time improves mental performance thus helps in increasing satva guna therefore subduing mental irritation or hyperactivity and lethargy ness which is contributed by rajas and tamas gunna.

    Early morning according to ayurveda is a vata dominating period. Vata dosha is helpful in promoting body movements both internal and external and thus helps in easy evacuation of bowel. It is advice to get fresh through from this urge and then indulge in mediation.

    B) Sleeping Position:

    1) Vishnu Purana says: “O King! It is beneficial to lie down with the head placed eastward or southward. The man who lies down with his head placed in contrary directions becomes diseased.”

    The Varshaadi Nool ( a Tamil treatise on almanac) says: “Sleeping eastward is good; sleeping southward prolongs life; sleeping westward and northward brings ruin.”

    The Mahabharata says: “Men become wise by sleeping eastward and southward.”

    There are two Tamil proverbs which run thus:

    a) 'வராத வாழ்வு வந்தாலும் வடக்கே தலை வைக்ககூடாது'

    “Vaaraatha Vashvu Vanthaalum Vadakkae Thalai Vaikkakkuudathu”, meaning; ” Even in the heyday of sudden fortune, one should not lie down with head to the north”, and

    b) 'விடக்கை ஆயினும் வடக்கு ஆகாது'

    ” Vidakkei ayinum Vadakku akaathu”, meaning: “Even the head of the dried fish should not be placed northward.”

    The Ayurvedic physician seats his patients facing eastward before diagnosing the disease or administering his medicine.

    2) Vastu sleeping direction:

    Sleeping with head resting in the East enhances memory, health and spiritual inclination. It is usually advised by Vastu Shastra Consultants to plan the children's room in such a way that their Vastu sleeping direction comes out to be east. This leads to higher concentration and retention power.

    Vastu Shastra highly recommends this direction as your usual sleeping position with head towards the South. This is believed to provide sound sleep and increase the wealth and prosperity in the household.

    This is not a very advisable sleeping position. Vastu Shastra says sleeping with head resting in West might cause disturbed sleep due to nightmares, some major illness and tendency towards violence.

    The Vastu sleeping position with head in the North direction is strongly opposed. It might cause major illnesses and sleepless nights for the person sleeping in such a position.

    Sources: Ayushveda

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