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Sri Ramanujacharyar

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  • Sri Ramanujacharyar

    Sri Ramanujacharyar.

    (43) அதிகாரசங்கிரகம் - Swamy Sri Desikar

    ஆரணநூல்வழிச் செவ்வை யழித்திடுமைதுகர்க்கு, ஓர்
    வாரணமாய் அவர்வாதக்கதலிகள் மாய்த்தபிரான்
    ஏரணிகீர்த்தி இராமானுசமுனி இன்னுரைசேர்
    சீரணிசிந்தையினோம் சிந்தியோமினித்தீவினையே.

    The devotion to the SrI Sookthis of BhaashyakArar
    After saluting all the AchAryAs in the Guru Paramparai starting with his own AchAryan and ending up with the Lord
    as the ParamAchAryan for all, Swamy Desikan acknowledges the special upakArams of SrI BhAshyakArar , AlavanthAr and Naatha MunigaL with one passurams to each of the three .

    (43) Sri BhAshyakArar destroyed the noisy debates of Haithukars ( who ignore core pramANams like VedAs and demand the reasons/ hEthus for whatever we comment about) , who intrepret VedAnthAms as their wandering minds direct .To them (hithukars) , SrI BhAshyakArar was like the mighty elephant in rut that toppled the banana trees .
    We who are deeply rooted in AchArya RaamAnujA's SrI Sookthis will not consider even by mind any act that are prohibited by BhagavAn's SaasthrAs .

    The key passage in this Paasuram is: " IrAmAnusa Muni inn urai sEr seer aNi sinthayinOm init-theevinai sinthiyOm".