It is really a wonder to see that none of this forum show any interest either to comment on a thread / post or to express their views let alone like it or not. Except viewing no more action. Oh a pitiable situation.
True. I have made around 1000 posts in tamil , sanskrit and English with my meagre knowledge. But I have received only a handful of replies. I am continuing in the hope that some body is benefitted !
அன்பான மன்ற உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு,
நம்பிக்கை இழக்கவேண்டாம்.
மேலும், பேஸ்புக் போன்ற மிகப்பெரிய உறுப்பினர் குழுமத்தை உடைய வலைத்தளங்களில்கூட,
மிகப்ரபலமானவர்களின் இடுகைக்குக்கூட நிறைய பின்னூட்டங்கள் வருவதில்லை.
நிறைய இடுகைகள் செய்வதுடன் சற்று நேரத்தை ஒதுக்கி,
அடிக்கடி பங்குபெறும் அங்கத்தினர்களுடன் மற்ற விஷயங்களில்
அலசலில் ஈடுபட்டு, உறுப்பினர்களுடன் ஒரு நட்பு வட்டத்தை ஏற்படுத்திக்கொண்டால்
நம் பதிவிற்கு நல்ல பதில்கள் கிடைக்க வாய்ப்புண்டு என்று நம்புகிறேன்.
தங்கள் கருத்தையும் பதிவு செய்யவும்.
At the outset i profusely thank those gentlemen who supported my contention regarding 'wonder'. I have been watching for a long time,that even those who could really put forward their views and suggestions prefer to keep quite either due to biased or due to prejudiced against that person only for the reasons best known to them. Hence the poster's threads get no replies even if his intention is good for all ,on such occasions, when he or she faces such problems. What to do? Let us wait and hope for that to happen...Narasimhan
if the contents of the posts are really worthwhile and original and they were written in an inspiring manner everybody would welcome them;
but nowadays only very stale items that have been posted in many sites find place thanks to the invention of ''cut and paste ''
I really agree with this.
But, I take it as, they are forwarding (by copy paste) a content which they very much liked and wanted to share with us.
On the other hand, they have to realize, others also having the chance to read the same content at few places while browsing.
if the contents of the posts are really worthwhile and original and they were written in an inspiring manner everybody would welcome them;
but nowadays only very stale items that have been posted in many sites find place thanks to the invention of ''cut and paste ''
technology; ""
Sorry. I do not concur fully with this. While some posts may be "stale" as you say some are really useful.
I do not know what you meant by original. Many of us, let alone youngsters know not what does our scriptures say. The retired ones will agree that all through they have been busy at work to make both ends meet,get children educated, marry them off so they complete their duties as parents.Only then they relax and find time to spare.. Quite a major percentage turns to Aanmeekam after their commitments are over and most know only basics of computers like reading mails/replying and some Googling.
Only a few do some real surfing and locate some interesting things which they like to share.
Articles on health,especially,are to be searched for to reply some members query.
In the interest of sharing the knowledge,perforce, they do "cut and paste" so that the knowledge reaches the person.
If only originals are to be posted, I am sure not even a couple of posts will be done in a day.
Not even one percent can write Bhashyams on our scriptures on their own,and, even meanings of scriptures will be the same if A or B translates.Why duplicate, when some thing already exists, to be shared?
So I feel, that the sweeping comment is uncalled for.
It is my humble opinion,
This is not meant to hurt, but to convey the feeelings of persons who feel that the knowledge is meant to be shared!
if the contents of the posts are really worthwhile and original and they were written in an inspiring manner everybody would welcome them;
but nowadays only very stale items that have been posted in many sites find place thanks to the invention of ''cut and paste ''
technology; ""
Sorry. I do not concur fully with this. While some posts may be "stale" as you say some are really useful.
I do not know what you meant by original. Many of us, let alone youngsters know not what does our scriptures say. The retired ones will agree that all through they have been busy at work to make both ends meet,get children educated, marry them off so they complete their duties as parents.Only then they relax and find time to spare.. Quite a major percentage turns to Aanmeekam after their commitments are over and most know only basics of computers like reading mails/replying and some Googling.
Only a few do some real surfing and locate some interesting things which they like to share.
Articles on health,especially,are to be searched for to reply some members query.
In the interest of sharing the knowledge,perforce, they do "cut and paste" so that the knowledge reaches the person.
If only originals are to be posted, I am sure not even a couple of posts will be done in a day.
Not even one percent can write Bhashyams on our scriptures on their own,and, even meanings of scriptures will be the same if A or B translates.Why duplicate, when some thing already exists, to be shared?
So I feel, that the sweeping comment is uncalled for.
It is my humble opinion,
This is not meant to hurt, but to convey the feeelings of persons who feel that the knowledge is meant to be shared!
I agree with Mr. varadarajan. The cut and paste is only for those who have not either seen while browsing or completely do not know about that matter. Mr.varadarajan's reply is all self explanatory and i do not want to repeat the same. It is really sad that a person of Mr.NVS standing also supporting that theory. I would like to know how many original and worthwhile post he contributed to the forum. According to the data available he had posted only 18 posts and awarded a whooping 1788 points, all supposed to be ORIGINAL. Is it not? I do not bother about the levels awarded but there must be a yardstick. Could anybody explain about this. If i want to mention various original matters i have posted, i could very easily point out all those posts. For all those originals there were no replies,views,suggestions,or even comments. I only request Mr.Thirumalaikeasavan to think loudly before making his comments or express his views. Ofcourse this is not meant to hurt anybody's feelings, but to convey others feelings also. Cheer up Mr.T.kesavan.