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BMBC and mr soundararajan anna
मुकुन्दमाला 35/40 நாளெல்லாம் நாராயணனே !
मुकुन्दमाला 35/40 நாளெல்லாம் நாராயணனே !
नमामि नारायण - पाद - पंकजम्
करोमि नारायण - पूजनम् सदा |...
वदामिLast edited by sridharv1946; 26-03-14, 14:05.
saraswathis Intro
I am from kanchipuram. I work in HCL Technologies. I am interested in slokas and bhakti songs. Namaste!! Jai Hind!!
i need aasirvatham and other related panchithigal in tamil pdf format. can anybody send me
thank you...
quotes in tamil
அரிய செயல்கள் அனைத்தும் விடாமுயற்சியாலேயே அடையப் பெற்றிருக்கின்றன; வெறும் வலிமையால் மட்டும் அல்ல.
- Samuel Johnson.
quotes in tamil
அரிய செயல்கள் அனைத்தும் விடாமுயற்சியாலேயே அடையப் பெற்றிருக்கின்றன; வெறும் வலிமையால் மட்டும் அல்ல.
- Samuel Johnson.
Oonam Date Wanted
Sir My mother attained acharyan thiruvadi on 12 th Dec,2013 in Ekadasi thithi, Revathi nakshatram. My Vadhyar toldme to perform 27 th day oonam...
oonaptheekam date
dear sir, kindly give us the dates for oonaptheekam and varshashradham of my late father. he attained the lord on 27 april 2013, Saturday, 12 noon, dv...
Another User Registered!
geetha1951! Thank you for joining.
We hope to see you around the forums.
Thanks geetha1951, from the staff at Facebook+1...
Visit of temple after demise of a family member
Dear Sir
My mother in law passed away on 02/12/2013. The karma was performed by my co brother. Now I would like to know when myself & my wife...
எது சரி ?
கடந்த, 25 ஆண்டுகளாக, அமெரிக்காவில்...Last edited by sridharv1946; 10-12-13, 14:31.
It is really a wonder to see that none of this forum show any interest either to comment on a thread / post or to express their views let alone like...