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  • sainath1951
    started a topic Oonam Date Wanted

    Oonam Date Wanted

    Sir My mother attained acharyan thiruvadi on 12 th Dec,2013 in Ekadasi thithi, Revathi nakshatram. My Vadhyar toldme to perform 27 th day oonam...
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  • godha
    started a topic oonaptheekam date

    oonaptheekam date

    dear sir, kindly give us the dates for oonaptheekam and varshashradham of my late father. he attained the lord on 27 april 2013, Saturday, 12 noon, dv...
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  • Masikam, oonam and varushabthigam dates please

    Namaskaram Appreciate your assistance for my mother in laws Maasigam, oonam and Varushabthigam dates pls date of death 17/10/2013 time of death is 19:55pm m...
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    started a topic Koorcham


    For what are all religeous /rituals a koorcham is to be used. Is it to be used only by Purohits or even by gruhasthas? What for a koorcham is used?
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  • Clarification on Performing Shradham

    Dear Swamy, Adiyen Dasan. Have two clarifications on Performing Shradham : 1. Performing shradham on a different day instead of the original thithi....
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    As per our Dharma Shastras there are four stages of life for an individual . A man is a Brahmachari first,Grihastha next,then a vanaprastha and lastly...
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  • Calculate Masikam and Oonam Dates

    Sir, I wish to get the Masikam and Oonam dates worked out for my mother, who passed away on 03-10-2013. The details are given below:- Name ...
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  • SRBalu
    started a topic Mahalaya tharpanam

    Mahalaya tharpanam

    Many people are looking for the information. Hence, the details furnished
    by you are quite sufficient. Yet, if a standardized version of Sankalpam...
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  • ச்ராத்தத்தின் ப்ரயோஜனம்

    Dharma shastra surukkam - Page No. 224. Item no. 74. अग्नौ हुतेन द
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  • Rig Upakarma for 2013 - English

    Detailed version - Note:- Thithi Vaara nakshatra details need to be changed.
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  • bmbcAdmin
    started a topic Gayathri Japam - Video

    Gayathri Japam - Video

    This is an old video but it will be useful for all years by changing the thithi,vaara, nakshatra details of corresponding year at san...
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  • Prathama Upakarma - Yajur Vedam - video only.

    This video is prepared in the year 2010 and it will be useful for all years.
    Just you have to...
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  • கூஷ்மாண்ட ஹோமம் -Kushmanda Homam

    கூஷ்மாண்ட ஹோமம் - சிரேஷ்டமான...
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  • ayngaran
    started a topic AAPTHIGAM


    Sir My father expired on 20 sep 2012,can someone help me giving the dates for Oonum AApthikam,Aapthikam and Shubam. Need Correct dates....
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  • r radhakrishna iyer
    started a topic panchangam reg doubt

    panchangam reg doubt

    In panchangam, how to calculate naazhigai for nakshatram and thithi - suppose if it is shown 09-33, what is the time to be understood? please explain...
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