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Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 72 continues

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  • Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 72 continues

    Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 72 continues

    2.72.29 அம்ப! கேநாத்யகாத்ராஜா வ்யாகிநா மய்யநாகதே ।
    தந்யா ராமாதயஸ்ஸர்வே யை: பிதா ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதஸ்ஸ்வயம் ॥
    amba! kēnātyagādrājā vyāghinā mayyanāgatē ।
    dhanyā rāmādayassarvē yaiḥ pitā saṃskṛtassvayam ॥
    Mother, to what ailment did
    the king succumb before I could reach?
    Fortunate indeed are Rāma and others who
    could, in person, perform the last rites for my father!
    2.72.30 ந நூநம் மாம் மஹாராஜ: ப்ராப்தம் ஜாநாதி கீர்திமாந் ।
    உபஜிக்ரேத்தி மூர்த்நி தாதஸ்ஸந்நம்ய ஸத்வரம் ॥
    na nūnaṃ māṃ mahārājaḥ prāptaṃ jānāti kīrtimān ।
    upajighrēddhi mūrdhni tātassannamya satvaram ॥
    Assuredly the great renowned King
    does not know that I have come;
    for father would have instantly
    drawn me towards him and smelled my head.
    2.72.31 க்வ ஸ பாணிஸ்ஸுகஸ்பர்ஸஸ்தாதஸ்யாக்லிஷ்டகர்மண: ।
    யேந மாம் ரஜஸா த்வஸ்தமபீக்ஷ்ணம் பரிமார்ஜதி ॥
    kva sa pāṇissukhasparṡastātasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ ।
    yēna māṃ rajasā dhvastamabhīkṣṇaṃ parimārjati ॥
    Ah! Where is that soothing touch of
    the hand of my father, who makes
    even difficult things appear easy,
    that used to wipe away the dust on me always!
    2.72.32 யோ மே ப்ராதா பிதா பந்துர்யஸ்ய தாஸோऽஸ்மி தீமத: ।
    தஸ்ய மாம் ஸீக்ரமாக்யாஹி ராமஸ்யாக்லிஷ்டகர்மண: ॥
    yō mē bhrātā pitā bandhuryasya dāsō'smi dhīmataḥ ।
    tasya māṃ ṡīghramākhyāhi rāmasyākliṣṭakarmaṇaḥ ॥
    Let Rāma, the wise one,
    one who makes even difficult things appear easy,
    who is brother, father and kin to me
    whose servant I am, know at once that I am here.
    2.72.33 பிதா ஹி பவதி ஜ்யேஷ்டோ தர்மமார்யஸ்ய ஜாநத: ।
    தஸ்ய பாதௌ க்ருஹீஷ்யாமி ஸ ஹீதாநீம் கதிர்மம ॥
    pitā hi bhavati jyēṣṭhō dharmamāryasya jānataḥ ।
    tasya pādau gṛhīṣyāmi sa hīdānīṃ gatirmama ॥
    A noble man who knows Dharma,
    surely regards an elder brother as the father.
    I must clasp his feet, he is my refuge now.
    2.72.34 தர்மவித்தர்மநித்யஸ்ச ஸத்யஸந்தோ த்ருடவ்ரத: ।
    ஆர்ய: கிமப்ரவீத்ராஜா பிதா மே ஸத்யவிக்ரம: ॥
    dharmaviddharmanityaṡca satyasandhō dṛḍhavrataḥ ।
    āryaḥ kimabravīdrājā pitā mē satyavikramaḥ ॥
    What did my noble father,
    who knows Dharma and constantly adheres to it,
    who was wedded to his word,
    who had a persistent resolve and
    whose prowess was truly count worthy, say ?
    2.72.35 பஸ்சிமம் ஸாது ஸந்தேஸமிச்சாமி ஸ்ரோதுமாத்மந: ।
    இதி ப்ருஷ்டா யதாதத்த்வம் கைகேயீ வாக்யமப்ரவீத் ॥
    paṡcimaṃ sādhu sandēṡamicchāmi ṡrōtumātmanaḥ ।
    iti pṛṣṭā yathātattvaṃ kaikēyī vākyamabravīt ॥
    I long to hear his last words of message and counsel to me!
    Thus asked, Kaikēyee related faithfully what had passed.
    2.72.36 ராமேதி ராஜா விலபந் ஹா ஸீதே! லக்ஷ்மணேதி ச ।
    ஸ மஹாத்மா பரம் லோகம் கதோ கதிமதாம் வர: ॥
    rāmēti rājā vilapan hā sītē! lakṣmaṇēti ca ।
    sa mahātmā paraṃ lōkaṃ gatō gatimatāṃ varaḥ ॥
    That Mahātma, who can be counted as
    the best among those who had passed,
    went to the highest of the worlds, lamenting:
    ‘Alas, Rāma! Alas, Seetā and Lakshmaṇa!’
    2.72.37 இமாம் து பஸ்சிமாம் வாசம் வ்யாஜஹார பிதா தவ ।
    காலதர்மபரிக்ஷிப்த: பாஸைரிவ மஹாகஜ: ॥
    imāṃ tu paṡcimāṃ vācaṃ vyājahāra pitā tava ।
    kāladharmaparikṣiptaḥ pāṡairiva mahāgajaḥ ॥
    Like a tusker bound by ropes,
    your father, bound by the laws of time,
    uttered these final words:
    2.72.38 ஸித்தார்தாஸ்தே நரா ராமமாகதம் ஸஹ ஸீதயா ।
    லக்ஷ்மணம் ச மஹாபாஹும் த்ரக்ஷ்யந்தி புநராகதம் ॥
    siddhārthāstē narā rāmamāgataṃ saha sītayā ।
    lakṣmaṇaṃ ca mahābāhuṃ drakṣyanti punarāgatam ॥
    Blessed are the men that shall see
    Rāma return along with
    Seetā and Lakshmaṇa of the mighty arm!
    2.72.39 தச்ச்ருத்வா விஷஸாதைவ த்விதீயாப்ரியஸம்ஸநாத் ।
    விஷண்ணவதநோ பூத்வா பூய: பப்ரச்ச மாதரம் ॥
    tacchrutvā viṣasādaiva dvitīyāpriyaṡaṃsanāt ।
    viṣaṇṇavadanō bhūtvā bhūyaḥ papraccha mātaram ॥
    Hearing that second unpleasant piece of news
    made him extremely miserable.
    With his face downcast, he asked his mother again:
    2.72.40 க்வ சேதாநீம் ஸ தர்மாத்மா கௌஸல்யாநந்தவர்தந: ।
    லக்ஷ்மணேந ஸஹ ப்ராத்ரா ஸீதயா ச ஸமம் கத: ॥
    kva cēdānīṃ sa dharmātmā kausalyānandavardhanaḥ ।
    lakṣmaṇēna saha bhrātrā sītayā ca samaṃ gataḥ ॥
    Where is that Dharmātma, Kousalyā’s perpetual joy,
    gone now along with Seetā and brother Lakshmaṇa ?
    2.72.41 ததா ப்ருஷ்டா யதாதத்த்வமாக்யாதுமுபசக்ரமே ।
    மாதாஸ்ய ஸுமஹऽத்வாக்யம் விப்ரியம் ப்ரியஸங்கயா ॥
    tathā pṛṣṭā yathātattvamākhyātumupacakramē ।
    mātāsya sumaha'dvākyaṃ vipriyaṃ priyaṡaṅkayā ॥
    Thus asked, his mother started relating
    everything as it happened, presuming that
    the extremely unpleasant news would be pleasing to him.
    2.72.42 ஸ ஹி ராஜஸுத: புத்ர! சீரவாஸா மஹாவநம் ।
    தண்டகாந்ஸஹ வைதேஹ்யா லக்ஷ்மணாநுசரோ கத: ॥
    sa hi rājasutaḥ putra! cīravāsā mahāvanam ।
    daṇḍakānsaha vaidēhyā lakṣmaṇānucarō gataḥ ॥
    The prince, clad in bark, my son,
    has gone to the great Daṇḍaka forest,
    along with the princess of Vidēha,
    with Lakshmaṇa following him.
    2.72.43 தச்ச்ருத்வா பரதஸ்த்ரஸ்தோ ப்ராதுஸ்சாரித்ரஸங்கயா ।
    ஸ்வஸ்ய வம்ஸஸ்ய மஹாத்ம்யாத்ப்ரஷ்டும் ஸமுபசக்ரமே ॥
    tacchrutvā bharatastrastō bhrātuṡcāritraṡaṅkayā ।
    svasya vaṃṡasya mahātmyātpraṣṭuṃ samupacakramē ॥
    On hearing that, Bharata shuddered
    at the thought of possible misconduct by Rāma.
    Knowing fully well the greatness of his lineage,
    he further inquired:
    2.72.44 கச்சிந்ந ப்ராஹ்மணதநம் ஹ்ருதம் ராமேண கஸ்யசித் ।
    கச்சிந்நாட்யோ தரித்ரோ வா தேநாபாபோ விஹிம்ஸித: ॥
    kaccinna brāhmaṇadhanaṃ hṛtaṃ rāmēṇa kasyacit ।
    kaccinnāḍhyō daridrō vā tēnāpāpō vihiṃsitaḥ ॥
    I hope the money of no Brāhmaṇa was snatched by Rāma!
    I hope no innocent person, rich or poor, was harmed by him! An innocent person, whether poor or rich, should not be punished, even if he is the heir apparent. Period. Those were the standards to which India held itself up to, in the bygone eras.

    After communism crept in, it became acceptable to harm a rich person for being rich. In the name of protecting oppressed sections, it became acceptable to throw an innocent person in jail, if the complaint was filed by someone belonging to a poorer section of society. In the name of protecting excesses of in-laws against a daughter-in-law, it became acceptable to put every named party from the in-law’s side in jail, regardless of whether they were guilty or innocent.

    Our rightful zeal to protect the weak and the disadvantaged, unfortunately, has caused us to make laws that are off-balance. The lives of many innocent people, for the fault of being born into a rich family, or into the husband’s side of the family, are being ruined.

    We are trying to compensate for our inability to enforce a balanced legislation, by making laws that are off-balance, and presumptive and prejudiced against one side.

    Laws and their enforcement should be aimed at protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. They should not be presumptive against rich or poor, wife or husband, or anyone else for that matter. Laws should be blind to the background of the person and cognitive only of the offense.

    2.72.45 கச்சிந்ந பரதாராந்வா ராஜபுத்ரோऽபிமந்யதே ।
    கஸ்மாத்ஸ தண்டகாரண்யே ப்ரூணஹேவ விவாஸித: ॥
    kaccinna paradārānvā rājaputrō'bhimanyatē ।
    kasmātsa daṇḍakāraṇyē bhrūṇahēva vivāsitaḥ ॥
    I hope the prince did not covet another man’s wife!
    Why was he banished to the Daṇḍaka forest,
    like someone who killed a fetus!
    2.72.46 அதாஸ்ய சபலா மாதா தத்ஸ்வகர்ம யதாததம் ।
    தேநைவ ஸ்த்ரீஸ்வபாவேந வ்யாஹர்துமுபசக்ரமே ॥
    athāsya capalā mātā tatsvakarma yathātatham ।
    tēnaiva strīsvabhāvēna vyāhartumupacakramē ॥
    Then his fickle minded mother
    started recounting what she did as it happened,
    consumed by her feminine impulses.
    2.72.47 ஏவமுக்தா து கைகேயீ பரதேந மஹாத்மநா ।
    உவாச வசநம் ஹ்ருஷ்டா மூடா பண்டிதமாநிநீ ॥
    ēvamuktā tu kaikēyī bharatēna mahātmanā ।
    uvāca vacanaṃ hṛṣṭā mūḍhā paṇḍitamāninī ॥
    Conceited fool that she was, Kaikēyee answered
    Mahātma Bharata with great complacence:
    2.72.48 ந ப்ராஹ்மணதநம் கிஞ்சித்த்ருதம் ராமேண கஸ்யசித் ।
    கஸ்சிந்நாட்யோ தரித்ரோ தேநாபாபோ விஹிம்ஸித: ।
    ந ராம: பரதாராம்ஸ்ச சக்ஷுர்ப்யாமபி பஸ்யதி ॥
    na brāhmaṇadhanaṃ kiñciddhṛtaṃ rāmēṇa kasyacit ।
    kaṡcinnāḍhyō daridrō tēnāpāpō vihiṃsitaḥ ।
    na rāmaḥ paradārāṃṡca cakṣurbhyāmapi paṡyati ॥
    No, no Brāhmaṇa’s money was taken by Rāma.
    No, no innocent person, rich or poor, was abused by him.
    No, Rāma never cast his eyes on another man's wife.
    2.72.49 மயா து புத்ர! ஸ்ருத்வைவ ராமஸ்யைவாபிஷேசநம் ।
    யாசிதஸ்தே பிதா ராஜ்யம் ராமஸ்ய ச விவாஸநம் ॥
    mayā tu putra! ṡrutvaiva rāmasyaivābhiṣēcanam ।
    yācitastē pitā rājyaṃ rāmasya ca vivāsanam ॥
    It was I, my son, after
    hearing about Rāma’s consecration,
    who asked your father
    for the kingdom for you
    and for the banishment of Rāma.
    2.72.50 ஸ ஸ்வவ்ருத்திம் ஸமாஸ்தாய பிதா தே தத்தऽதாகரோத் ।
    ராமஸ்ச ஸஹ ஸௌமித்ரி: ப்ரேஷிதஸ்ஸஹ ஸீதயா ॥
    sa svavṛttiṃ samāsthāya pitā tē tatta'thākarōt ।
    rāmaṡca saha saumitriḥ prēṣitassaha sītayā ॥
    And your father, who was true to his principles, obliged.
    Rama was sent away along with the son of Sumitrā and Seetā.
    2.72.51 தமபஸ்யந்ப்ரியம்புத்ரம் மஹீபாலோ மஹாயஸா: ।
    புத்ரஸோகபரித்யூந: பஞ்சத்வமுபபேதிவாந் ॥
    tamapaṡyanpriyaṃputraṃ mahīpālō mahāyaṡāḥ ।
    putraṡōkaparidyūnaḥ pañcatvamupapēdivān ॥
    When he, the ruler of the earth, of great renown,
    could no longer see his beloved son,
    giving in to grief for his son,
    dissipated into the five elements.
    2.72.52 த்வயாத்விதாநீம் தர்மஜ்ஞ! ராஜத்வமவலம்ப்யதாம் ।
    த்வத்க்ருதே ஹி மயா ஸர்வமிதமேவம் விதம் க்ருதம் ॥
    tvayātvidānīṃ dharmajña! rājatvamavalambyatām ।
    tvatkṛtē hi mayā sarvamidamēvaṃ vidhaṃ kṛtam ॥
    You are well versed in Dharma!
    You shall right away take over the reins of the kingdom!
    It was for your sake that I did all this in this manner.
    2.72.53 மா ஸோகம் மா ச ஸந்தாபம் தைர்யமாஸ்ரய புத்ரக ।
    த்வததீநா ஹி நகரீ ராஜ்யம் சைததநாமயம் ॥
    mā ṡōkaṃ mā ca santāpaṃ dhairyamāṡraya putraka ।
    tvadadhīnā hi nagarī rājyaṃ caitadanāmayam ॥
    Do not give way to grief or regrets.
    Be brave, my son! This city is yours now.
    This kingdom, free from all
    claims and encumbrances, is also yours.
    2.72.54 தத்புத்ர ஸீக்ரம் விதிநா விதிஜ்ஞை-
    ர்வஸிஷ்டமுக்யைஸ்ஸஹிதோ த்விஜேந்த்ரை: ।
    ஸங்கால்ய ராஜாநமதீநஸத்த்வ
    மாத்மாநமுர்வ்யாமபிஷேசயஸ்வ ॥
    tatputra ṡīghraṃ vidhinā vidhijñai-
    rvasiṣṭhamukhyaissahitō dvijēndraiḥ ।
    saṅkālya rājānamadīnasattva
    mātmānamurvyāmabhiṣēcayasva ॥
    Therefore, son, quickly perform the final rites
    to the king in the customary manner assisted by
    Vasishṭha and other prominent Brāhmaṇas
    who are well versed in the custom.
    Free yourself from any dejection and
    consecrate yourself as the ruler of the earth.
    இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
    அயோத்யாகாண்டே த்விஸப்ததிதமஸ்ஸர்க: ॥
    ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
    ayōdhyākāṇḍē dvisaptatitamassargaḥ ॥
    Thus concludes the seventy second Sarga
    in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
    the first ever poem of humankind,
    composed by Vālmeeki.
    You have completed reading 5093 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.
    Meaning, notes and commentary by: Krishna Sharma.