Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 10

अथ शरदमुपेतां तां भवद्भक्तचेतो-
विमलसलिलपूरां मानयन् काननेषु ।
तृणममलवनान्ते चारु सञ्चारयन् गा:
पवनपुरपते त्वं देहि मे देहसौख्यम् ॥१०॥

Then Thou enjoyed the Sarath season, with its copious flow of water, crystal clear, likethe minds of Thy devotees, tending the cows in the fertile grasslands of the forest, O Lord of Guruvaayur! Thou spent such a season enjoying in the forests and happily grazing grass to the cattle in the pleasant forests.Oh Guruvayurappa of such sports ! May Thoubless me with good health.