Dasakam: 063 -- Slokam: 03

कुल इह खलु गोत्रो दैवतं गोत्रशत्रो-
र्विहतिमिह स रुन्ध्यात् को नु व: संशयोऽस्मिन् ।
इति सहसितवादी देव गोवर्द्धनाद्रिं
त्वरितमुदमुमूलो मूलतो बालदोर्भ्याम् ॥३॥

You told them with a smile “Is not the mountain, the mountain is the deity. Indra is the enemy of mountains. This mountain, Govardhan, will resist Indra's attack. O Lord! Assuring them, Thou quickly uprooted the Govardhana Mountain with Thy two tender arms.