Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 03

तासामाकलयन्नपाङ्गवलनैर्मोदं प्रहर्षाद्भुत-
व्यालोलेषु जनेषु तत्र रजकं कञ्चित् पटीं प्रार्थयन् ।
कस्ते दास्यति राजकीयवसनं याहीति तेनोदित:
सद्यस्तस्य करेण शीर्षमहृथा: सोऽप्याप पुण्यां गतिम् ॥३॥

Delighting these women with Thy side-long glances, and in the throng of people rushing past Thee with great joy and wonder, Thou didst seek some clothes from a washer man who happened to be there. On being denied Thy request on the sneering excuse that the clothes belonged to the king and could not be given to Thee, in anger instantly cut off his head with Thy hand, whereby he attained salvation