Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 07

हे लोका विष्णुरेतद्भुवनमजनयत्तन्न जानीथ यूयं
युष्माकं ह्यन्तरस्थं किमपि तदपरं विद्यते विष्णुरूपम् ।
नीहारप्रख्यमायापरिवृतमनसो मोहिता नामरूपै:
प्राणप्रीत्येकतृप्ताश्चरथ मखपरा हन्त नेच्छा मुकुन्दे ॥७॥

Oh World , you do not know that this world was created by Lord Vishnu,And also that within your heart there is another image of Vishnu,And in spite of that fact you spend your time , With your minds covered with the mist of Maayaa, you are infatuated by names and shapes, With the mind and body satisfied with pleasure of senses,And with interest in rituals like Yaga but with no interest in Vishnu.