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  • Baala Kaanda - Sarga 11

    In this Sarga, King Daṡaratha goes to the kingdom of Aṅga and requests Rōmapāda to send Ṡānta and Ṛṡyaṡṛṅga...
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  • Read Ramayana Baala Kaanda - Sarga 8

    Baala Kaanda - Sarga 8
    The backdrop of Kōsala kingdom and the city of Ayōdhyā were described in the previous Sargas....
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  • Vishnu Sahasranaaama of Bheeshma

    In Vishnu Sahasranaaama of Bheeshma, which is the pioneer of all Sahasranamaavalis he addresses Vishnu with lot of epithets which all include four things...
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    Last edited by soundararajan50; 09-05-14, 08:12.

  • soundararajan50
    started a topic Safety Razor

    Safety Razor



    Shaving with a sharp razor was a tricky and dangerous business. It was even more so, for self-shavers. People would rather grow mustaches, whiskers and

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  • Read Valmiki Ramayana - Part-01

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  • भज गोविन्दम् 02/31 : முட்டாளே ! பண ஆசையை விடு ! நல்

    मूढ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णां कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनसि वितृष्णाम् |
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    Last edited by sridharv1946; 02-04-14, 20:22.

  • r radhakrishna iyer
    started a topic please explain mr soundararajan

    please explain mr soundararajan

    sir, in the santhyavandhanam the following headings are there with manthras.
    ஆசமனம், அங்கவந்தனம்,...
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  • Brahmanyan
    started a topic Raging kids and anger therapy

    Raging kids and anger therapy

    The Times of India (Bangalore Edition) of date has published an interesting Article on the above subject, which I think is of topical value today....
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  • Advice of Kanva to Sakuntala

    शुश्रूषस्व गुरून् कुरु प्रियसखीवृत्तिं...
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  • சாகுந்தலத்தில் பிரிவாற்றாமை-2

    Sage Kanva continues

    पातुं न प्रथमं व्यवस्यति...
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  • soundararajan50
    started a topic Inspiration


    The following stories have wonderful shades of emotions. These are based on true incidences both wonderful and inspirational.

    These stories...
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  • soundararajan50
    started a topic Gandhi's Wit

    Gandhi's Wit

    When Gandhi was studying law at the University College of London, there was a professor, whose list name was Peters, who felt animosity for Gandhi, and...
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  • TN resolution on Rajiv killers illegal: Swamy

    Seeks President’s rule if Jayalalithaa does not listen

    Stating that any move to release former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi’s
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    In this world, whose family is there without blemish? Who is free from sickness and grief? Who is forever happy?
    2. A man's
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