John Milton (9th December 1608-8th November 1674) was an English poet, an author and a civil servant for the Common Wealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost which earned him the praise as the greatest English author and poet!

This Magnum Opus of blank verses was composed by Milton-after he had become blind! He composed this great piece of work through dictations to a series of aids in his employment.
This is a feat by any standard, considering his blindness! He would compose the verses in his head all night and dictate them to his aides the next morning.He became blind in 1652 but went on writing despite his problems.
His prose as well as poetry reflect his deep convictions. He wrote on the contemporary issues as well. He could write in Latin and Italian as well as he did in English! He had earned an international reputation during his life time-to become a living legend!
Once Paradise Lost was published, Milton was recognized as a great epic poet. His influence continued to linger on the poets living in the 18th and 19th centuries!

Visalakshi Ramani