Sakshanmanmadhamanmadha. 21

Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 01

हारजालवनमालिकाललितमङ्गरागघनसौरभम् ।
रासकेलिपरिभूषितं तव हि रूपमीश कलयामहे ॥१॥

O Lord ! A bunch of peacock feathers adorning the beautiful in the locks of the hair the peacock feather, makarakundalam (in the ears), vanamala and other chains ( on the chest), sandal and other sweet smelling anointments, a golden belt on the yellow garment (on the hip), sparkling anklets with gems (on the feet), so do I meditate on your blessed form that has been specially decorated for theperformance of the Rasa Kreeda