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Murali Chakravarthi Introduction Message
My message to other members: During the last 10 years, most of the brahmin girls choose life partners themselves.- that too boys from other communities...
Safety Razor
Shaving with a sharp razor was a tricky and dangerous business. It was even more so, for self-shavers. People would rather grow mustaches, whiskers and
Log=in trouble to for brahmins
Though I am able to log-in through my existing User name and PW in the desktop PC,the same is not the case with my Tablet. So many time when...
Kudumianmalai Vedaparayanam - request for donation.
I am enclosing the 99th year Kudumiyanmalai Vedaparayana Sandarpanai Kaiganrya Patrikkai. This Vedaparayanam is being conducted at Kudumiyanmalai/Pudukkottai...
Reservation for Brahmins and Vysyas Soon'
By Express News Service - CHITRADURGA
Published: 24th February 2014 08:33 AM
Last Updated: 24th February 2014 08:33 AM
maratthil maraindhadhu maamadha yaanai...
maratthai maraitthadhu maamadha yaanai
paratthil maraimdhadhu paarmudhal bhootham
Dear friends,
With the blessings of God, I had the opportunity to visit Kedar and Badri twice,the last time being in 2009.
The temple of...
A Woodcutter!
A Woodcutter
Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and...
Pronounciation and meaning of sanskrit slokam
1stline1stword,2-last 3rd-last 4th-1st meaning pronounciation requested
How to pronounce the two words
Sir 1st line 2nd and last line 2nd in tamil please...
The 25 most difficult questions you will be asked on a job interview.
The 25 most difficult questions you will be asked on a job interview.
Hi Be prepared for your interview by keeping your answers...
Pancha Patram
For the last 3000 years,Panchaloha(literally meaning an alloy of five metls) has been most widely used for making idols and pooja vessals..This five-metal...