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man x

    started a topic greetings and enquiry

    greetings and enquiry

    Hope you are greatly interested in forum affairs and simply posting a lot of threads. it is really very good of you to show...
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  • Udakasanthi Manthram - Sanskrit-Download

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  • Presence of Postman

    Respected bmbc Sir,
    The Presence of Postman/Security officer /... whoever he may be is very nice but while
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  • r radhakrishna iyer
    started a topic please explain mr soundararajan

    please explain mr soundararajan

    sir, in the santhyavandhanam the following headings are there with manthras.
    ஆசமனம், அங்கவந்தனம்,...
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  • nandakumar
    started a topic gayathri mantram

    gayathri mantram

    காயத்ரி மந்த்ரத்தில்...
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  • first year apthapoorthy.contd.

    ஆயுரஸி விச்வாயுரஸி ஸர்வாயுரஸி...
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  • Kudumianmalai Vedaparayanam - request for donation.

    I am enclosing the 99th year Kudumiyanmalai Vedaparayana Sandarpanai Kaiganrya Patrikkai. This Vedaparayanam is being conducted at Kudumiyanmalai/Pudukkottai...
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  • soundararajan50
    started a topic Brahmajnana


    maratthil maraindhadhu maamadha yaanai

    maratthai maraitthadhu maamadha yaanai

    paratthil maraimdhadhu paarmudhal bhootham
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  • मुकुन्दमाला 23/40 எப்போதும் ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ண மந்&#

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    Last edited by sridharv1946; 07-02-14, 20:56.

  • मुकुन्दमाला 18/40 நமோ நாராயணாய என்று கூறுங்க&#

    हे मर्त्या: परमं हितम् श्रुणुत वो वक्ष्यामि संक्षेपत:
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    Last edited by sridharv1946; 03-02-14, 22:11.

  • bmbcAdmin
    started a topic Salagrama Pooja & Mantra

    Salagrama Pooja & Mantra

    Note:- If you are not able to read the full text,
    right click on the image, choose the save image...
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    Last edited by bmbcAdmin; 31-01-14, 20:41.

  • मुकुन्दमाला 15/40 உன்னையே நினைக்க அருள்வாய் !

    मा द्राक्षम् क्षीण - पुण्यान् क्षणम् अपि भवतो भक्ति - हीनान् पदाब्जे
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    Last edited by sridharv1946; 31-01-14, 20:14.

  • soundararajan50
    started a topic Friend


    courtesy: Suresh Namboodiri

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    Last edited by soundararajan50; 30-01-14, 19:13.

  • Exact Mantram wanted for : "Ohm Shula Bhaskara, Homa Rupa"

    Dear Swamiji,

    May I request you to send the following sloka exactly.

    Ohm Shula Bhaskara, Homa Rupa, Ohm Namey Bhargavaya Namo...
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  • soundararajan50
    started a topic GARLAND


    அருகம்புல் மாலை

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