This writeup found in Indiadivine.
To my mind the curses on Brahmins are listed below:-
1. Overestimation of one`s knowlege on all matters and finding fault with or criticizing fellow brahmins as a form of sadistic pleasure.
2.Not co-operating with fellow Brahmins in religious, social and other activities.
3.Poverty or hand-to- mouth living though classified as "Forward class or community" by powers that be. The above list is by no means exhaustive. Many more can be added.By and large Brahmins are near intellectuals and do well academically.
In India, since Brahmins are not classified as "Backward" , even academic toppers are denied admission in top Government professional colleges where fees are relatively lower nor can all Brahmin parents meet the kind of demands in the name of capitation fees etc. made by private professional colleges.
So much about social and economic implications of being a Brahmin now.There were times when Brahmins were respected for their learning etc. Now Brahmins are treated as outcasts. Brahmins were followers of scriptures in toto in those days. Do we measure up to the standards maintained by our ancestors? We do not even now the compliance levels of say,our great grand-father or even our grand father. Are not we Brahmins ourselves responsible for this state of affairs? Have we not turned a blind eye to the injunctions of scriptures? How many of us know as to what our scriptures are and what they contain or as what they advise us.
Pl. think.